Well, Im Sick and your Happy I Like People happy.
Walking Alone Where Do i go? I Don't Know i can't see anthing. My HeRaT With Light will it stay? or will Darkness just Come and Destory Light. Still can't see Where im going. Need to go Home Can't find Home A Castle? Lighting Came Rain now walking alone in Darknes and Rain it Would not end. only the Keyblade Holder can Help. :star-wars-smiley-02 Star Wars? Heartless! Hey, Two Keyblades of Light. I Would not give Up Keyblade Help Me I Need to End this. Home Here I Am. Thank You Light. You are the Strongtest thing in the World Thank You.....
Hey, Well I Don't Know you But You seem nice. :)
Well, bader Then allergies
Thx's :D and Awsome do You got Kingdom Hearts BBS For PSP?
Thanks anyway Whats up
Sick..... So Happy for You.
..........He looks weird sorry
Coughing really Bad Like a Dog and Sneezing Badly.
Heey Ventus What up (I Mean Ventus PSP Aqua xD)
Well I Like Them All.
Hey What up :)
Omg! Im Stunk on Wonder Land Too! and KH I And KH : Re Chain Are pretty Fun But i love KH II I PLAYED IT THE HOLE SUMMER!! :D
No Need to Be Mean But Not Really.
Nope. But I Played all The KH's
Watching TV Thats The only Thing i could do Because Im Sick
Oh Okay I Got It
Sure He Is............xD
Really You played The Final Mix's?
..........Wow Your Right an't Axel like 10,00000 Years old?