Firefly (Fave X] ) Angel Buffy Stargate Atlantis Doctor Who Bones Naruto Shippūden Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Neon Genesis Evangelion Jost Whedon must make more series! The Gods command it!! *leaves to massacre FOX for cancelling Firefly*
Usually I'd prefer not to exist at all, but not to be someone else, since then I'd be living a lie, or a good life based on someone elses achievements. I wish I was better myself, but I wish I was so much better than what I am now that that would probably be a different person anyway...
If it was only a tiny win I would, since I don't think you could know whose ticket it'd been unless you won something massive and the person who lost it found out that you found it. But if it was a large win that matters I'd try and get it to the right people, since I'd only be giving up money that I didn't have.
Lol that's what i thought.. I hardly want anything more than lots and lots of time, it'd mean less pressure, and I could take however long I want to get really good at something. If I could just choose how long til i die now, I'd say 100 000 years, but immortality's too risky since everything else could end or I could want to die one millenium...
People from long ago who've put everyone else before themselves, and changed history despite the odds, saving their people, and the future, like Joan of Arc. And people who care more about beauty and life than money, can accept everything about other people, and find a way to deal with things that doesn't involve fighting.
Hey! Howz ever- *tumbleweed*
-12- Hey! heheh missed khv as usual *shares choc cookiez* cuz this place is still alive.. and evey1 needs cookiez! :333
Great news! Those three songs'd be perfect, and if this is as good as the Final Fantasy piano collections it'll really be worth buying.
Addiction to the TV show :] And I like real fireflies, how they shine in the night.
I just finished Eldest, it was a lot better than Eragon so Paolini really improved. But Brisingr's too big for my mind atm, so I'm starting the Ranger's Apprentice series... And I'm reading the xxxHolic manga..
I like Two Across the most cuz the way it's designed. And Ultima Weapon for the magic power and Metal Chocobo cuz it has that little chocobo swinging about on the chain X3
I got them all wrong X[ I like all the proper versions more though, but Marloosha's even more reason he should've been a girl..
Hey Melgarus!!! Thanx for joinin us, now have an awesome time here! Make sure u checked the rules, and those stickies when ur about Post around heaps and stay somewhat active & u'll make lotsa friends :] And have some *welcoming cookiez* :3 Seeya round!
I liked the KH1 and CoM soundtracks a lot, but the best's in KH2. My faves are KH1's Hollow Bastion theme, KH2's TWTNW theme Sacred Moon, CoM's This is Halloween and KH2:FM's The Other Promise.
Nothing's really changed for me. But if I'd already seen Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent would've gotten a whole lot scarier. Makes me wanna see it now..
I like the characters, music and that heaps of scenes still make me laugh :] That there's another movie to come is worrying, I liked the third most and think it should end there.. But Johnny Depp's hilarious, more of that'd be great XD
I'm reading the xxxHolic manga and I like it a lot, so maybe I'll like the Tsubasa manga too if I get a chance to read it. The first few anime eps were awesome so I'll definitely watch the whole series once I finish the anime I'm watchin.
I liked the Tifa/Loz battle!! It was great seeing all the characters fighting together against Bahamut, and about everything with Vincent.
Such an awesome cast... I can't wait to see what Tim Burton does with this. Carter's part sounds funny, and the whole thing so far sounds twisted in a great Burton way.
Errr... I read a lot, but it's hard to choose a favourite... My fave series is the Mortal Engines Quartet, aka Hungry City Chronicles.