just thought of something...lets blame Castle Oblivion for the no change of voice of sora, lol
i thought the same...it'll be interesting to see how Namine's voice compares now to KH2 with the new voice actress
probably not...i think kh:recom has been released stateside coz of constant requests from american fans (just hope my constant requests makes the same happen for EU)
aww no release date yet....not to worry...at least its been announced...now we wait for release dates and EU announcement :D
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rNzQ9ZIka3c first cutscene :D ign.com took the vid
the first cutscene of the game (that includes the cloaked member who i shall not name for spoilers) has been posted by ign.com heres the vid on youtube :D http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rNzQ9ZIka3c
you wouldnt be able to play CoM GBA after the trade either...DSi dont play GBA games coz it doesnt have the slot on it....unless you have an old GBA/SP or another DS (or Lite)...otherwise you can kiss playing all your GBA games goodbye :(
please please please please please please please do the same bundle for rest of the world Nintendo/S-E...that would be awesome if they did :D
1. Changing format from NTSC to PAL 2. All text has to be changed to all EU languages 3. Voice actors needed for all languages too.
*banging head against table* great....something else the EU misses out on at the moment :(
*is praying for a EU release* i gots the first wallpaper as my new background now :D
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! think i've said that enough times now....god please release this epic game in EU too....i'll get it in both NA and EU since i own ps2's in both areas, lol
i'll be the first to mention the link between the kh games...as to where Riku got that keyblade to give to Kairi in KH2....maybe from Xion???
maybe DA was still jet-lagged from his holiday, lol but yeh great videos all round this week :D
coming from the person who's mastered all the other aspects of making vids, lol Speaking of the portal, i've just realised 3 of my vids are on the top 10 on the top rated section, including first...cant be all that bad then, lol and im working on a couple fast paced songs which havent been used much, so im looking forward to pushing WMM to its limit.
Wise words (as always), here i am in my 3rd year of making vids and im still trying to get noticed, lol...apart from the odd appearance in the top 5 and one first place (seriously, how did my SexyBack duet lip-synch get that? O_o), i've hardly been noticed since but i still keep trying, even if i only have Windows Movie Maker at my disposal, i always keep trying to combine things and make new things to use in my vids. Im just blabbering here now, lol...i'll shut up
maybe one of those buttons holds information about the 14th member
you get it too? i thought it was just me O_o having that blare in my ear with headphones in is so damn annoying, any chance of that ad being changed?
i've gotta quote DA's first words to #1....OMFG!!! that was so amazing, my favourite vid ever, full stop!:noworries: loved the rest of them too but #1 is so gonna be watched by me a hell of a lot of times, lol
thats ok DA :) everyone needs a holiday, we're very patient here anyway :D