omg gimme!! *rushes round the room hyperly trying to find wallet*
yep i am kngdmhrts3 from youtube =D first time i been recognized from both there and here as the same person
news flash...whole special announcement WAS a April Fools Joke...the whole interview is legit but that last question involving the special announcement was added on the end between a co-operating joke between KHInsider and HeartStation... and it was suppose to be about KH3 just to let you all know
it'll be another 6 months yet before we're saying that here in EU... least i got to play it 2 months before it did come out here when i was in florida ^_^
Now that you mention week...April 1st *facepalm*
And yet the recent GDC has Nintendo announcing the newest Zelda title for the you cant say thats not huge....and GDC is like a mini-mini-mini-mini-E3 Anything is possible now...could be BBS, could be KH3...either way im excited ^_^
i think i just wet myself O.o MUST HAVE!!! *drools over the DSi*
hey, im ok thanks, you? and thanks, glad u like the sig ^_^
Great top 5 though i cant see #4 at the moment...corrupted, at least it says that on mine. when were the judges announced? O.o
i loved #5 the best....wait what do you there isnt one? *looks at top 4*....oh cr- lol joking aside...i loved them all..another great top 5 *cough*4*cough* this week
oooh August?...could of made their guesstimate 10 days earlier and put it on my birthday. but if it is August then i'll be able to buy it when im out in Florida around that time :D
Moogle + Org 13 Coat = INSTANT BUY!! lol seriously thats enough to make me buy the game without the need of the story....of course tho i'll get it for the story too
you can always trust Square-Enix to be able to do the impossible...they always get push every console they use to the max i was more stoked about being able to watch those cutscenes from the trailers on the DS
you sure that old news was meaning actually for Re:CoM? was around that mark when everyone else was confirming their roles in that game
awesome!! cant wait to see the whole compilation :D and great top 5 as glad to see it back
awesome!! tho i hope he tries to do axel's voice something inbetween the re:com and kh2 voices he's done. and you'd be great doing Roxas's voice, Mike :D
aww my vid got posted 2 days before...just missed out :(
from what i've seen everywhere, the camera is sometimes a bit odd...which wasnt really the case for the original GBA version...was just having to be nearly on the same plane as the enemy which was the problem for me
sometimes i've been told to try and look at the positive things that have come out of the negatives...yeh its a stupid thing to be told but its done me some good at times then when you've found some positives, you can try to build goals to go along with them to make them even better. or you could use my theory of actually using the past to make you stronger and then once you've conquered that specific thing, then you can let go of that past.
if i was Nomura, i'd have a new years resolution of "Must give out tons more info on the KH games to the public" XD