theres only one 7-minute song with that much least in my head there is, lol, and im gonna be so happy if its the one i think it is *cough*TTFAF*cough* oh yeh, awesome top 5, #1 was my fave ^_^
hey DA, did u get my part ok? and i forgot to put the song in my PM to u so i'll say it here, its the theme song to Digimon
all done and sent =D just hope everyone else enjoys it, along with the rest of the awesome MEP of course, lol
you're right it will be hard, lol...but its none of them...this is gonna be so much fun seeing people trying to guess xD
nope none of those...its Space Paranoids...good luck guessing the song =p lol
sure am =D nearly finished it already....lets just say it focuses on one particular world =p
because everyone going for proper songs...and im not, lol
i love Haz's vids :roll: *nods in agreement to allow her in* i have this feeling my part could be one of the weirdest, if not THE weirdest, lol
im very very sure no-one will be using my song choice...but why tell ya and spoil the surprise, lol
this is gonna be one seriously long MEP...37 people already, 18 and a half minutes minimum of vids
im totally in...been needing a good minute to show off my latest idea.
OMG u have put me in the happiest mood....perfect since im in a exam in a hours time from posting this, lol THANK YOU *bows to ur awesomeness for posting this*
*bangs head on table* never gonna do well enough to get in that top5 ever again but congrats to everyone, thought they were all awesome =D
great top 5 this week DA...and this is the first week where i agree with all of ur comments, especially about Apologize, but i guess thats what happens when a popular song comes along and then everyone uses it. hopefully my next amv will make the top 5 or special mentions (if any) when i upload it next month ^^
*has a rant to myself over how bad i must be at making vids* ...... *looks around* oh! *cough* sorry ^_^ great choices again DA, everyone definately is getting much much better.... *goes back to ranting to myself*
wish i knew how my vid done too...and also how my best friend's vid did aswell (her's was the one with Big Bang's song)
here's an idea for a special mention...MINE!!! lol jk jk jk jk but excellent top 5 again...i liked #4 too
oh wow what a great week ^_^ its making me nervous now coz next week is my vid week and if the other vids are as good as this top 5...i've got no chance
thanks...that makes me feel a little bit better :) just hope my next one does alright when i upload it this week