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  1. Daenerys Targaryen
    Dear KHV;

    I have been thinking this over for a bit and I have come to a conclusion.
    I need to leave the site for awhile.
    I have a lot of drama going on in my real life,between my friends all being ******s to me and my family freaking out at me because I am growing up to fast for them.

    I never actually thought I was going to say this but, I'm sorry.

    I'm sorry for being a drama whore and ***** to any of you.
    I was a horrible noob.I MEAN HORRIBLE.And not the greatest member either.
    Because you know it's true, although I have changed a lot during the last few months ( I mean honestly, compare my posts.) there are still people I have taken advantage of, and haven't appreciated on here.

    Although many of you say "don't take the internet seriously".
    I have.
    I came here sorta to escape my real life and to find friends that won't ***** about the littest things.
    You could say that's pathetic, but I actually have friends; like most people on here, I just wanted to escape them.
    I might have found drama,but to a certain point it was worth it.

    Although I didn't really make much of an impact on KHV,I want to make an impact on the world.
    And although that may take me away from KHV for 3 months or 3 years, it doesn't matter.
    You might even see me lurking on here,once and awhile.

    I love most of you,and even the people I don't like; I'm sorry and I appreciate you guys as friends and as members.

    I dunno if I have gained much respect from anyone on this site,but I know that I sure as hell made some nice friends.

    And even though I have started so much drama,and I've been a flirt,and I've been downright horrible at times, I am still guilty,and I take the internet seriously.

    And some of you might think I have a huge ego and that I'm arrogant from my username to my posts,I am putting you out of your misery for a bit.
    And I just wanna apologize for any of you who think my username is telling people that "I AM FAMOUS" because it's not,it's after the brandname.
    I have not tried to be full of myself or be mean to anyone,so if I was honestly a pest to you,sorry.

    Thank you staff,for being so great to the site and helping everyone.
    I appreciate everything you do.Don't let anyone complain about you guys because you put all your spare time into KHV.You are great and I think everyone should appreciate you.

    For those of you who I love; you know who you are.
    I'll be on MSN.

    As for the Z Team;I'm sure it'll die anyway since hardly anyone posts,but you guys can RP without me and pretend I took a vacation or something.

    Thanks and love,
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 7, 2009, 20 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Daenerys Targaryen
    Something I came up with just now.
    I hope it's good,it's about someone that was very special to me that I lost.

    Nevermind that darling, you left me here.
    Standing,head cleared without a fear.
    Wanting to speak,but wanting to hear.
    Longing for that single tear.

    Seeing with my eyes open.

    Another day,another night.
    Knowing what might be wrong,but not what is right.
    Seeing you fade into light,
    another story;that is so bright.

    Seeing with my eyes open.

    Laughing,and almost crying.
    I knew you weren't trying.
    You were yourself,you weren't lying.
    I couldn't imagine you,dying.

    Seeing with my eyes open.

    Leaving me,is this my destiny?
    To want to be,
    To want to see?
    I can't agree,
    But,I can see.
    You went away,
    I'm here to stay.
    You can't betray,
    just went your own way.

    Not by your control.
    Oh,I know,I'd sell my soul...To see you...
    Be with me,stay with me...Hearing me...Talk with me...
    Become old with me...Die with me,but not by yourself...Because I love you

    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 5, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Daenerys Targaryen

    So it's a fad

    I have a livestream too.
    You can watch it when I put it up.
    Although I'm probably boring as hell xD
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 4, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Daenerys Targaryen
    [Threw up on your dog,last time I had to much to drink.
    They're times I've peed in your sink.]
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 3, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Daenerys Targaryen

    The Z Team

    Summary of The Z Team:The Z Team is a special force that travels through time and space.
    They are called The Z Team because everyone on the force has either a Z in their (username) name or nickname.
    The Z Team's goals and objectives remain uncertain at first,but hopefully the members of The Z Team will be able to uncover their true feelings and most importantly,their past.

    This RPG will have violence,humor,romance;etc.
    But keep it PG-13.
    I don't want sex scenes or blood and guts everywhere.
    If a member of The Z Team doesn't follow the rules or respect other members/players; they can be kicked off the force.
    Another member will not take their place,given these are all custom characters.
    Some important rules to follow;although they are much similar to any other RPG,and the site's rules themselves.

    1.Treat other members with respect and if you are going to bash them about something,it must be in character.
    If you are gonna write something out of character then put it into the
    OCC format.

    2.Profanity is allowed,although if used too much;it becomes rather annoying.
    Keep it to the bare minimum people.
    Remember this forum censors words,so if your post is filled with theses "*"
    Most of the time people can't understand your point.

    3. No god modding or controlling other people's characters.You are limited to 3 characters per person.

    4.YOU MUST let me know if you are leaving the RPG,and let me know if you wanna be part of the RPG.
    via PM,VM or MSN.
    Do not write in the thread if you are leaving.


    5.If you left and you need a recap,do not post in this thread asking what happened,ask another member of the Z Team to explain the situation for you.

    6.Although this isn't in the extended roleplaying section,please give at least
    2-3 sentences or more;other people need to work off of your posts.
    Gain some creativity :3

    7.Please try to spell and use correct grammar.
    Try your best to write in the correct format.

    8.No making a character invinsible.
    And absolutely no killing another character.
    You may kill your own character to leave RPG,but
    do not kill someone else's.

    9.Oh and have fun!
    Do your best and be lucky you are part of the Z Team!

    People who want to join the Z Team;
    If you wish to join the Z Team you must meet a few requirements.
    -Member for at least 2 months and at least 10 rep points.(Wanna make sure to keep trolls out of the Z Team)
    -Z in username,nickname,real name.(You may make up a name or nickname also)
    -Willing to be part of the Z Team.
    -MUST contact myself,timexhasxgone or Zeonark via PM,VM or MSN
    If your application is not accepted for Z Team,do not pester other members or the founders of the Z Team.

    If you wish to join The Z Team;you may use this format:
    Description:Brown hair,green eyes,skinny;average in height.
    Personality:Laid back,but hyperactive when on the job.
    Always puts friendship first,although sarcastic and a bit rough around the edges.Most times hard to read,and extremely hard to impress;a bit sensitive,mostly tough to prove a point.
    Wants to hold on the the past,although looking to the future.
    Never says things without thinking,always ready and prepared;although messy with resources,always sticks to the plans.

    Thank you <3

    Description:Long jet black straight hair, dark brown eyes/gray contacts (xD), 5ft4, and somewhere between skinny and fat.
    Personality: Strange, calm, friendly, never keeps a grudge, introverted around large groups, and she has the tendencies of doing things without thinking them through. She's mostly a good person.

    Question Mark
    Name: Zoft
    Gender: male
    Species: human
    Age: 15
    Description: green spikey hair; dark-blue eyes that are almost always half-closed unless he's either startled, farinaceous or when something catches his interest; sometimes even has his left eye closed for totally unexplored reason.
    Personality: extremely relaxed but not too lazy, though not much intertests him, only his own purposes and needs. He dislikes fighting, so he rather avoids any sense of voilence as much as possible.

    Name: Zahara
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Age: 14
    Description: Caramel hair, brown eyes (green/blue contacts), athletic build/slim; slight bit taller than average.
    Personality: Loyal, passionate, clever, daring, quiet, interesting, hardworker when she wants to be, friendly but sometimes wierd at times :'D

    Description:Red hair, a long fringe sweeping across foreead and spiking out sideways from her thick black glasses. Back combed at the back of her head, making a liberty-spike type effect.
    Wears previously mentioned thick rimmed glasses, with DKNY written in a script in an orange colour on both arms. She has a cheeky smile, and a set of blue eyes - but are mostly hidden by her glasses and hair.
    Her figure is not skinny, but more curvacious, and tends to wear darker clothes to help intensify the colour of her hair.
    Personality: Insanely sadistic outlook/sense of humour, has inner demons, and melicious thoughts on others. She loves to make people laugh, but also loves a good argument.
    She is easy to give into her temper, and is a rather foul mouthed person.
    She is sarcastic, witty, and patronizing, too.

    Name: Zazabi
    Gender: male
    Species: Elicoorian (home planet: Elicoor II)
    Description: Human looking, grey short untidy hair, blue eyes, pale skin, 5’10â€, tends to wear a military uniform from his home planet which is red and black and resembles a space age military suit (from something like Andromedia)
    Personality: Quiet most of the time unless needed. When on the job he is highly focused. Follows a strange honour code.

    Name: Zeonark
    Z Name: Zeozy/Zeo
    Gender: Male
    Species: Z Human
    Age: 16
    Description: He wears a black vest-like jacket with a red undershirt. The Red shirt has a painted "Z" on it, while the jacket has "ZZZ" on the back. He has black hair in a Zexion-like style covering his left eye. His eye color is cyan. He also wear blue jeans and black shoes, adding black gloves to match.
    Personality: Idiotic. Basically. He's cocky usually all the time around anyone, he won't hesitate to forget about his problems for others. Although, he will become serious when his past is mentioned, deep down he's utterly chained to it.
    Others: "I have liek, super special awesome Z powers, fear the power of letters!"

    Name: Jayn
    Gender: Female
    Description:About 5'7, slender. She has brilliant bright brown eyes that appear golden in sunlight. Her hair is dark with rouge streaks, flowing past her shoulders and ending right above her waist. Her complexion is a light caramel color, her cheeks flushed a dark natural red.
    Personality: She's very calm and quiet, keeping mainly to herself but speaking up when she feels it must be done. She doesn't like to see people mistreated and stands up for them if she feels they can't defend themselves. She has a temper, though she forgives easily. She can be unpredictable and random at times.

    Name: Zene

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Age: 14

    Description: Zene has brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses, caucasian/white skin, a crooked smile, and sharp teeth. He is pretty skinny, and is a little taller than other kids his age.

    Personality: Zene is quite unpredictable. Most of the time, He's the sarcastic, fun loving guy he was raised as. He can be a bit antiscocial sometimes, but is extremyle loyal in the long run. He enjoyes a good challenge, and see's everything as a game
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 3, 2009, 82 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Daenerys Targaryen
    we need information on the bears >:3
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Aug 3, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Daenerys Targaryen
    harry is the sex <:
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 31, 2009, 27 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. Daenerys Targaryen

    First,we steal all the pandas in the world.
    And we get them all in one stadium.
    We charge admission...
    For people to watch them dance;we put suits on them and give them tophats and canes.
    And what we need are people to get the pandas,train them and start them off.
    Then we get icecream for myself,timexhasxgone and our random lucky winner after it's all over.
    And march in the streets and have a parade with big happy music playing and take the people to the stadium;which happens to be timexhasxgone's backyard...and we make the pandas and people do the makerana...TOGETHER
    and oh yeah,the people have to pay for admission.

    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 30, 2009, 245 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Daenerys Targaryen
    Just a few random nature and other pictures,

    My Flower

    The White House

    In Salem

    Through a window

    A Great View


    The Distance





    Just Beachy
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 30, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Daenerys Targaryen
    i don't get it ;~;
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 30, 2009, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Daenerys Targaryen


    My mom and dad are ripping down the wallpaper in my room.
    It looks like **** now,and it stays that way until we paint it in a few days.
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 29, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Daenerys Targaryen


    [I am in a happy mood because I was eating lolipops that tasted like lemon and awesomeness.

    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 28, 2009, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Daenerys Targaryen


    How are you this fine and lovely day?
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 27, 2009, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Daenerys Targaryen


    [I have a voodoo doll of you in my underwear draw and I stick pins into it.]
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 25, 2009, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Daenerys Targaryen

    So yeah

    I'm bored.
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 25, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Daenerys Targaryen

    I hear

    Children screaming and crying from out my window ):
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 25, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Daenerys Targaryen
    Don't let the bed bugs naw at your legs until they disappear <3 :3
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 24, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Daenerys Targaryen


    So I dunno what my next namechange should be...
    Because I obviously am not keeping this one forever >:C
    Choices I was considering:

    Hail Storm

    Oh and Reptar :D came up with the Hail Storm one. xD

    Which one/Another one?
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 24, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Daenerys Targaryen


    I can see you :v
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 23, 2009, 65 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Daenerys Targaryen
    mushroom mushroom.
    Thread by: Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 23, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone