do you like my username? 8D
i got a manatee stuffed animal that looks like lola lotion from a claw machine today. c:
Lately, my signature has been showing up under some posts and not under others. Like, under some of my recent posts it shows [Like this thread]. But for example, in my poem thread...It doesn't show up under my posts. I don't know if this was something I did, or it's just something weird going on. Does anyone know how to fix this? o.o
What was the name of that guy from the TMNT?
I decided to make a poetry thread because I'm constantly writing and I never post. But- here it is :3 CnC is appreciated. c: You choose A light, through the filtered shade. Cascading as the grass grows in waves. Time passes as the evening chills, falling down over silver clouds. Dust catches up to you, it sucks you up into a glass. For everyone to see you, picture perfect. You're bleeding through your favorite shirt. A shade of blue, patches of fabric; covering your naked body. You are not independent; everyone surrounds you. Glaring at you; like you're a strip of blank paper. On the inside, you burst; catching breath with every nervous stare. Until you realize, this dream is only a blur. You paint yourself to be that way. Walking out through the filtered shade, desperate to find your way.
I need new music/songs/artists to listen to; any suggestions?
Now, I just wonder what this group is about. Hmm.
I just adore it.
There is someone on this site that I love. Guess who it is. C:
One:Hearing and Telling Dust gathered on the staircase as she sat quietly, resting her eyes but listening to every word being said. Never uttering a word, or daring to move; she listened to the muffled noises. Not brave enough to get any closer or back away. But just to sit still. Another rise in pitch, then another. Wondering what was going on, she finally opened her eyes and leaned over the railing. She couldn't see, and the voices seemed to have disappeared and seperated. As they always do. She stood up, brushing her hair out of her eyes and continued down the stairs until she reached the main entrance, then opened the front door and walked out. The breeze was chilling against her bare arms. Maybe a tank top wasn't the most appropriate thing to wear in the middle of october. Then walking down the dirt path, she dragged her feet against the ground. Tired and not in the best of moods, she continued on the road until she reached the water. She went to her boat and released it from what was holding it to the dock. It swayed in the water, making some of the chilly liquid bounce up from the edges and splash her skirt. It was as cold as an icebox, but she prevealed. She needed to meet someone on the island ahead, the shoreline was just a bit out of her reach. Continuing to row to the island, she caught the eye of a boy sitting on it's shore. He waved at her, but she was to busy sulking to look at him. Something was wrong again and she needed to tell him about it. It wasn't going to make her any happy telling him, or him any happy to listen to it. But things needed to be done. And laziness just isn't going to cut it after all, they either do what they have to or not. And she'd much rather that they do. She was starting to get sick of the daily routine and agenda of this place. Annoyed with the other people surrounding her, it wasn't a home to her anymore.Or much of anything, actually. More like a bed and shelter, and it just wasn't cutting it anymore. The pain wasn't worth it, and she needed someone to listen.
Once upon a time, in a land far away, a creature stood. No, not a creature. A miracle. This miracle was so amazing, it was destined to take this earth, smash the shit out of it, and take over the universe. You may all think we're crazy. You may all be right. But we know, deep inside, that we are true believers. True believers in power. The power of... MOOF â„¢ The best typo,ever to exist.
What should it be? >:
You love it? <:
And I'm suprised how you guys haven't tried to kill me by now.
I've dicovered typing with my forehead is the only solution.
You make me want to make a thread about chocolate rape. :lolface:
How are you?
KHV staff with the news By:Famous and Reptar It is a best seller ~ Random guy on the street Simply genius ~ Random guy on the street Famous' awesometastic story~ I turned on the news one day... "NEXT THE DEBATE ON USERNAME COLORS : BLUE OR PINK. COMING UP IN A FEW MOMENTS." 'The rainbow makes me look stupid!It's like a rainbow threw up on this place!' 'Stop complaining!It's looks just fine!' 'I happen to love the rainbow color,it looks awesome.' 'Blue would look better!' 'No Teal!CHANGE SUCKS IMO' 'Pink!GO ORIGINAL' 'ORANGE I MEAN DUR' 'RAINBOW STFU YOU LITTLE COMPLAINING-' "AND NOW RvR WITH THE WEATHER." "No recent shitstorms lately in the spamzone,but the KHV USER AWARDS HAVE BEEN GOING ON SO STAY TUNED WITH MISTY." "AND NOW REPLIKU WITH TRAFFIC REPORTS" "There have been a lot of members going to suggest things for the site,so watch lag in that section." I walked away from the television and went on my computer. There was a knew MSN convo open,with Reptar. Reptar:HOWDY Famous:Heyyyy guuurrrrlll <: Famous:I'm gonna question you on question time. Reptar:Question me on baby Famous:I'll do that right now. xD As I went to question her I realized that the spamzone was almost completely empty. So I traveled to the premium section. A voice in the distance...: "Hey,guys.It's Misty here with the KHV userawards of 2009!" As I turn around,all the nominees are on the screen. "The third cycle is now closed,and I'm gonna start updating threads soon for the fourth." BREAKING NEWS at 10:00: She did...WHAT! Alt or not? Banned or unbanned;ultimate quiz of KHV knowledge. Reptar: Did you question me yet? Famous:Oh oh yeah,one sec. I entered the thread and started to think up questions. A few people were also viewing the thread...Which made me happy I don't like to see the forum dying,you know. EMERGENCY NEWS AT 9:00! Who will win best premium? Secrets of members that you never need to know. Did he deserve to win? And... Cupcake:When she found out. Reptar's kick ass story: So i turned on the good ol' computer and searched up 'the 411' in the good ol's KHV toolbar search engine, and then i found just what i was looking for, THE NEWS. Repliku showed up in his wonderful Riku cosplay with the same mic Bob Barker uses and said: "We now tune into the Hall of Premiums" and join in on the username color debate" "BLUE!!! >:C" "PINK WHORES UNITE!!" "Orange" "Teal, because i hate change" "HEY GUYS I LIKE RAINBOWS STFU" "onto the weather with RvR" "Well no shitstorms this week, seems pretty clear although some people are throwing pebbles at each other..." EMERGENCY NEWS!! Flyn Pnut a boy or a girl? Story at 11. "In the hall of the Admins" "WHY ARE THE PREMIUMS NEVER PLEASED?"