It wasn't a good name. But neither was our band.
Spoiler sid's in toy story 3. :B
stock: Spoiler i really want it to be black and white shades for the text i want it to say: Equation (When they said you could make it). Please and thank you :3 if I need to say anymore or something tell me because I'm a real noob at this since I don't request often xD
going away to Lake George for a week, so I won't have any internet access. Seeya later cool kids.
you dun goofed .
but only because it contains my name
does this count as annoying?
-insert flying noise here- get on voxliii o:
Some pictures from this past year. fireworks clouds trees and sky spark las vegas las vegas again fire into the dark a tangled flower bright like sunshine the ground's view hoover damm view
is my lovely husband. just to tell you all. good day.
So I haven't posted here in awhile. But I need some advice, KHV. I am seriously bursting with either anger or sadness lately. I have also made a talent of just throwing my hands in the air and saying "fuck it" and not caring about anything at all, which in turn comes to bite me when I have to. I feel like anytime someone says something to me I want to just punch them, or something else. Mainly, it stems from my friend, my parents, and the guy I currently like. Friend: One of my friends is going down a road that makes me want to vomit on a daily basis. To be honest, I've never been anymore disappointed in my life. I don't know what to do with her, since I've known her since kindergarten, we've been so close, and she lives close to me. Even our parents are friends. 1. She keeps blowing me off. For example, I called her yesterday at about 10 in the morning to ask her if she wanted to hang out. I don't know, I feel as though if I hang out with her it will make her not want to make bad decisions. So, she tells me that she'll call me or text me later telling me if she can or can't hang out. It wasn't like I was weighing my whole day on her, but she didn't call or text me, and she wrote on facebook that she's going over someone else's house. And she keeps doing this. I mean if you're going to choose someone over me, don't put on facebook, on full fucking display. 2. She will come on my bus or stay after school, and not call her parents. Which usually results in her getting grounded or something. And everyone getting worried sick. She will also try to sneak home, like, one time she came on my bus and then decided she had to go home so she walked across a major highway type thing to get home. She could have killed herself. 3. She tells me about how she sneaks guys into her house without her parents knowing. See, I don't know how she pulls this off at all. It's nearly impossible. It's either she's mental and making this all up, or she's doing bad things behind her parents, which could honestly result in something bad. Should I distance myself from her? Tell her parents? Try to talk to her about it and see if maybe she's acting out because she's upset? Family: Not much to say, I'm just frequently having fights with my mom about grades (I'm a good student and she shouldn't be complaining). It just seems like I'm never enough for my family and they think I'm not going to be successful at all. Should I just ignore this and "do the best I can"? My sister is acting like a whiny bitch. She is in the preteen stage of her life, which is like hell for our household, I try to ignore her but it's so hard to live with that monster. She will pick fights for no reason, and just act out and scream over nothing. Ignore this too? Or punch her in the face? I'm seriously tempted at this point. The guy I like currently: I am seriously confused. I really am. I don't even know what to say anymore. I've been talking to him for a few weeks, and it seems like he likes me. All my friends say so. I mean, they tell me if it were anymore obvious it would smack me in the face. And I know that sounds all well and good, but it's really not. I have so many doubts. Like, I don't know if my friends are just saying that to be nice to me. My self esteem isn't that low, I just feel as though no guy could ever like me, that I'm not pretty enough or cool enough. And when something happens like him not texting me, I'll think that it's me. And that I did something. Because I care about him. I'm wondering KHV, what do you think? How do you act when you like someone? Is this abnormal?
i'm pregnant .
today, i forgot where my phone was, whilst texting someone. mlia.
i'm going to break all of your pencils
you can't be in the movie
by reptart and famousss