Dear Lord have the room died of Achohol(SP?) Poisoning O+O
I'm a guy.. and age isn't the problem.. notice I'm drinking a coke.. -+-
:roll: This thread is fun ^+^
The Guilt! Oh The Guilt! T+T
*Drinks coke* Um.. nothing... ^+^' (lies to avoid ppl from kicking him out)
Ya Coke (Coca-Cola)! ^+^ I'm sorry I just feel guilty...
Where is my Coca-Cola? Oh I get it... I'll leave.. again.. T+T
Can I have a Coke? (As in Coca-Cola for some of you who has their head in ze toilet)
Oh nevermid. I'm leaving... again!
Plz don't ruin this thread even if I'm not supposed to be in it.. T+T
I can't be here.. I must leave! T+T
I feel left out I'll leave now.. T+T
Kids can we stop fighting please..
Get over it. If the kid doesn't want to be raped than he doesn't want to be raped. You have no right to judge.
Happiness, Disney and............ FRENCH TOAST!
Hmm.. *pokes eye*
Thank you. ^+^ And this is for Videogame nerd "Poor Fool he makes me laugh! Hahahaha, ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"
Thx. I'm suprised no one else said hi well then again not that supried.. >+>
Hey guys I've returned once again for no particular reason, just saying hi now.. SPEAK!
I'm a Snow Leopard.. rawr... -+-