Everyone forgot about Sora after COM, even Kiari. not just his parents. Also, I think Donald, Goofy, and the King serve as replacement parental role-models for Sora and Riku. that may be why they don't miss them all that much. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if Riku had a broken home. That might be the reason why he wants to leave so badly.
Fav:Mickey. he kicks butt! least fav: thats hard. ethier I like them or I don't think about them. I geuss Marluxia (sp?) he's so gay.:p
OK. this my first fanfic so i would love to hear your comments on it. this is the first chapter. it is about Riku' s relationship with Alice. the untold story of kingdom hearts. Riku in Wonderland By Beth Higdon Alice couldn’t see anything through the curtain, but she could hear the sounds of the battle raging out side. She could hear the Queen yelling, “Off with their heads!” Alice didn’t know for certain because she never had her head chopped off before, but she had a feeling that it wouldn’t be a very pleasant experience. She was a curios girl with a proper English accent. If she hadn't been so curios, she wouldn't be stuck in a over sized bird cage on top of a large hedge. She had yellow hair tied back with a thin black ribbon and eyes the color of rain. The simple dress she wore matched her eyes, and over this she wore a milk white frock and layers of petticoats underneath. “Hi” came a voice behind her. Alice turned around. Through the bars of the cage, she could see a boy. He was taller than her and probably two or three years older. He had long blonde hair, almost white, that came down to his shoulders. Alice couldn’t help but notice that he had striking turquoise eyes. They reminded her of the eyes of a cat: always staring out into the distance, tense, and alert. He also wore some of the oddest clothes she had ever seen, but than again everything was odd in Wonderland. Alice gave a quick curtsy. “How do you do?” she greeted. “Did you fall down the rabbit hole also?” The boy just tilled his head and gave her a confused look. “Whatever,” he said, “I’m here to get you out.” “Oh, why thank you so much. I say, that’s very kind of you. By the way, my name is Alice and you are…” “Riku,” the boy said with a grunt as he worked to break the hinges on the cage with his sword. “There,” he sighed as the back of the cage finally broke off. Alice primly stepped out, smoothed her apron, and held out her hand: “Pleased to meet you Mr. Riku.” “You can drop the Mister. Come on, let’s get going.” Alice started to follow but stopped when she saw another strange boy fighting below them. “But… What about my friend Sora? He’s trying to save me too. Shouldn’t we let him know I’m alright?” she asked with concern. Riku looked down from the hedge. At the moment, Sora was busy hacking away at a tower. “I’m a friend of Sora’s also. He asked me to help you escape while he created a distraction. Don’t worry about him, though. He can take care of himself. Now come on.” With that, Riku grabbed Alice by the wrist and started to drag her along the top of the hedge. “Well! You needn’t be so rude about it!” Alice cried indigently. “Where… Where are we going any ways?” she breathless asked. “We getting out of here; that’s where” Riku impatiently replied. He pulled her along until they had reached the end of the hedge. Than suddenly, a black mist began to rise from the ground. It came together to form, what looked like to Alice, a hole in the air. “It’s a portal.” Riku explained. “It’ll take us out of this world” “Oh! Will it take us home?” Alice excitedly asked. “I can’t wait to see Dinah again!” Riku paused with his back to her. He seamed hesitant to answer, and when finally he spoke his voice was unsteady. “I…I can’t promise you that.” “Than where does it lead?” Riku whirled around to face her. ”Look, do you just want to stand around here and get beheaded?” he bellowed. “Will you just come on?” Alice was taken aback by this sudden alteration in temper, to say the least. However, she quickly composed herself and retorted, “My, aren’t we bossy! You know you have less manners than a… a savage! Besides I don’t see why I have to go any where with you. I believe I’ll just stay here and wait for Sora to come back.” “Oh, you’re going.” Before Alice could protest, Riku picked her up and slung her over his back. “What are you doing? Put me down! This is so uncivilized.” Right as Alice began to scream for help, the black mist caught in her mouth and strangled her words. All she could see before her was darkness, and she knew not what lie in wait for her up ahead. There is more to come so stay tuned.
you are also an Animation Historian. congrats!
And here are the results! 1: Disney 2:not Disney, but is presented by Disney in the US, Studio Gibli. (sp?) 3: not Disney. it is made by Don Bluth productions and presented by Fox. 4: Disney (I heard some others on a thread say it wasn't. that is why i started the quiz.) 5: It is and it isn't. It was made by both Disney animators and Tim Burton's own crew. It is under the Touchstone label. 6: Disney. When Disney decided to branch out and make rated R movies to bring in more money into the failing company, they decided to crate the Touchstone label so no one would know it was Disney and spoil their reputation. (Sneaky ain't they!) Touchstone is Disney. good going AkuseruVII 7: Disney. another Touchstone copyright. 8:not Disney. Dreamworks 9:not Disney. another Dreamworks 10:not Disney. Don Buth productions, presented by Universal. his film's are very Disney-like because worked for Disney before becoming independent. 11: not Disney. a independent film presented by Miramax. Miramax was bought out by Disney so the movie is now on Disney video 12: both. It is made and presented by Disney and Walden Media. Plus ILM, Dreamworks, and Pixar all did some animation on it. Bonus: Kingdom-Fan98 you are correct.:D The Adventures of Prince Achemd was the first full length animated movie ever made. It was an independent film. Bonus: You are completely right draik88!:D Oswald the Rabbit is Disney. If you got 1-3 answers right you are an audience member. 4-6 answers=movie critic 7-9 right= film historian if 10 or more are right = Disney Archivist if you got any of the bonus questions right you are a Animation Historian!:D
Accidentally in Love from Shrek 2.
Honeysuckle Rose by Lena Horn. it's been in my head all day. i was singing it while driving to work this morning.
this is mine. iris by the goo goo dolls. this is the final mix. http://video.kh-vids.net/video/65cbb41e-9221-42c7-b8f4-992300188728.htm
yes she did. in the movie she wished too be in a wonderland. Quote "I keep wishing it could be that way, because my world would be a wonderland."
I hate shadows and fat bandits. they show up everywhere! I got sick of fighting them.
OK this is crack. but I think Riku and Alice would make a cute couple. My reasons are these: Since Alice is the same hight as Kairi, I would assume that she is close to Riku's age, maybe 2 years younger. Plus she seams to be the only female in kh with out a pairing too. It is possible that Riku is the one who kidnapped her from Wonderland so they probably met. They have a common interest in other worlds. I think at first Riku would be annoyed by her and she would think he's rude, but than they would grow on each other. Alice would think of Riku as a knight of the round table. Riku would find that Alice's curios comments are cute. I am working on some fanfic on this right now. P.S. I hate yaoi! I think it is gross.:p
Sora and Kairi= obviously! Roxas & Namine= another obvious one I like Riku and Alice together. I think she is only 2 years younger because she is Kairi's height in KH1. Riku doesn't have any one and Alice is the only Princess who dosen't have a hero. I know it's cracked. but I'm a sap. I'm working on some fan fic on it. P.S. Pete has a wife in Goof Troop and the Goofy movies. Peg. they have two kids P.J. and Pistol. like NightMystrio said, Why mess with the classics. Pete shouldn't be paried with anybody in the game.
Donald:uhhh.... Hi-ah fellas! what's up? *nerves laugh* Goofy. Are we doing the Disco? I love to Disco!
Find out if your an audience member, a movie critic, a film historian, or a Disney Archivist. And answer the bonus questions to be come an Animation Historian. Answer if the movie is made by Disney or not. Notice I said made by not presented by or copyrighted there is a difference. Warring! this quiz contains trick questions. Example: Quest for Camelot. Not Disney. Warner Brothers. OK. I am a big know it all and, it bugs me when people call some movies Disney just because they are cartoons, when they aren't. Or they say some movie isn't Disney because it doesn't fit the Disney image, when it really is. So I thought I'd make a quiz to see how many people really know their Disney movies. 1. first one is easy. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. *bonus: Snow White is the first animated movie made in the U.S. I'll give you props if you can name the first animated movie in the world. (hint it was made in Germany in 1926)* yes I'm evil 2. Spirited Away. (another easy one if you like anime) 3. Anastasia. 4.Tron 5.Nightmare Before Christmas 6. Pretty Woman 7.Who Framed Roger Rabbit 8. Shrek 9. Prince of Egypt 10. Swan Princess 11. Arabian Nights (aka. The Thief and the Cobbler) 12. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Bonus: Oswald the Rabbit. (If you even know what it is, You probably are already a Historian) No you don't have to give an answer to all of them. especially if you've never seen it. just answer as many as you can. I'll post the answers up Monday.
I don't even known what FMA is. I've never seen it. I am just a Disney fan. That's why I bought KH in the first place. It wouldn't be KH without it. But a Star Wars world would be fun but unlikely. However Disney has done projects with Lucas Arts before.
Tron is a Disney move. and I quote "Tron is a 1982 Walt Disney Productions science fiction film" Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. or go this site thttp://disney.go.com/vault/archives/movies/tron/tron.htmlo to learn more from the Disney Archives. It just wasn't successful because Card Walker, the head of the Disney board in 1982, refused to pay extra for advertising. YES I KOWN I AM A KOWN-IT-ALL!
Thank you!:D that means a lot to me being my first vid. but I couldn't find and good effects that fit well with the subject. I use windos move maker. and thank you catch the rain
my fav org. 13 members are in this order: Demxy: he is so sweet and cute. I hate Sora for bullying and killing him. There was on reason for that! He doesn't want to fight; just kick back, make some music and have fun. Roxas: he is so deep and and way cool. I was rooting for him all the way. He and Namine deserve to be real. Larxene: She reminds me of my little sister. both are intelligent blonds, hyper, talkative, rude to almost everybody, and hates not getting thier own way. Only my sis dosen't have the power of lighting. good thing to *gets zappes by bolt* Axel/Xigbar tie: Axel because he tuns out to be a good guy. Xigbar because I love the way he talks. "Have you been a good boy?" The only org. member I really hate is Marluxia. He is so gay! *gets hit by another bolt. smoke coming out of ears*
I copyed and pasted my vid shortcut to upload to my thread and it kept saying upload error. How do i post my link to the forum?
This is my first AM and I would appreciate hearing any comments, criticisms, or tips for improvements. http;//video.kh-vids.net/video/65cbb41e-9221-42c7-b8f4-992300188728.htm sorry my file didn't download right. but you can still see the vid at the user portal. it is right now in recentaly added. and you can search for Iris and find it. Click here to see Video alright i'm trying this again