Arthur is played by 2 people. Woolie Reitherman's(director and one of the 9 old men) oldest sons. his youngest son voiced Mowgli.
three way tie between Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and Pocahantas. I also like the scores for Bambi and Sleeping Beauty.
Sad to say that although Tommy and Jason show up as guest apperences and leders in new shows, kids don't even know who Zordon and Alpha 5 are.
Green Ranger is more power full but he had his powers stolen so the White Ranger is just on the rebound
before they made the t.v. show the made a direct to video movie that opened the show. Meg and Hercules are married and Meg finds his old high schooled album. Than it shows clips from the show. It is tideled Hercules: Zero to Hero
I picked the MK in WDW because it is the only one I've been to. I sooooo want to go again
I picked Other because Lady and the Tramp are great. They are total opposites and have some of the same problems that some real couples have today. Cheating on each other, jealously of ex.s, getting pregnant to soon, and hanging out with the wrong crowd and winding up in jail. Plus the spaghetti eating is the ultimate love scene. Also Pocahontas and John Smith are cool. If I Never Knew You rocks! and that kiss at the end when they say goodbye is hot.
Cinderella has always been my favorite movie period. Robin Hood would be next. I wanted to marry him when I was little. And in 3rd Hunchback of Notre Dame. I love the story, art work, songs and characters. Plus the book is a must read.
FYI: Kovu was adopted. He saids "Scar wasn't my father"
I agree the original had some of the best animation in any film
I cry the first time i see a movie most of the time. but only Pocahontas (at the end when she is running to the cliff to say goodbye and that lovely music is playing) and Bambi are the only movies cry every time i watch. That movie is so bi-polar. :( P.S. I also cry during Prince of Egypt when Moses is talking to the burning bush and always during the Outsiders but they aren't Disney :(
i like Cinderella 3. i own it now. some of the sences remind me of old silent horror films. Phantom of the Oprah with Channey ( the demon pumpkin coach ) and Metropolis ( Anastasia becoming Cinderella's twin). I love Anna, and i thinks she sings better than Cinderella.