Darky= Sparky ?? XDD Arc=bark?? >P
lol. sephy throws deadly dirt >D lol kh3.. a minigame about finding jacks dirt while that song is playing XDD
heya folks ctr back yet...? 10044 WOO i saw potc3 the day it came out XDD
Lol..... i know it may be a spoof but if it was real id buy it =D
Lol that would be awesome XDD
LOL i would record it and play it constantly XDD
9013 this is fun yes?? ok maybe not...... DUH DUH!!!!!!! im done
Lol... you could try to fly.. drink red bull it gives ya wings!
i can.. throw rocks ?? XD
Muahahaha 9011 /*-*/ Xd
ooook then.. 9009 <--> WOO PALINDROME!!!!!!! * throws rocks at ppl * MUAHAHAHAH IM EBIL!
hi folks... CTR IS GONE NOOOOOOOO anyway..... 9007 Woo sock it to th.. *thwack*
bye.. * last post* keeping.. i will see u when u come back
good byyyyeeeeeeeee 8889... *last post *
fAILURE cya ctr * hugs back* have a nice weekend
thanks this will be my 2nd last post... 8886 good by world!!!
yea we still want hugs.. kinda........ maybe... well................... maybe not.... but we still like you!!
gota go now im like 83% sad now depression
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i neeed to go now good bye nice weekend..8885