I am going to see pirates of the carribean 3 with my class XDDD 8863
Because.. anway.. weakness
i am unhappy.. WAit i am doing somethin happy on monday :D 8861
Oh or you could drink red bull!! Red bull gives you wings!
Pain.. -_-
Noooo i forgot... 8858
i know.. its a kewl ja?? 8854
OMG U WERE ON MINE CTR ZOMG IZ U CRAZY!?!?! lol 8851 dogboypersonthing whats that??
oh righty CTR jsut checking... 8848
just to check * 8844* CtR are you on mah Friends list??
Lol 8841 i add my own words to other songs somtimes.. and who knows...
ok.. 8837 Drown my sorrow.. no tomorrow.oh..oh... dadada climb a mountain *added own words* pee inna fountain *own words ended
Lol..... 8836...a IM BORED AND SAD
I ROOLZERZ!!!# 8833 ehh..anymore songs??
8827 thats it thanks... ooooooohhhh.... ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE DO DO DO DOD DO DO DODODO!
WOOO 8826 If life is S@*T,and you know it..... ALLWYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE !!!!!!! DOO DOOD ODODODDOO
sigh classic...