Yeah go for it, I beat Sephiroth yesterday, on standard, and I'm doing proud now, so good luck with it... And tips, just equip the best stuff on Sora so he dosen't die, and train that little bit more...
Got it rules=good spam=bad Oh like I said before I knew I'd be told to read the rules... Hehehe.
Hehehe yeah cool! I just gotta design a KH type of character, most of my current ones are Zelda-ish, or they use martial arts, 'sides, it's awesome making characters! Well thanks anyway.
Hey dudes and dudettes I'm Skyru, I joined a while ago but never got time to make my posts, but that time is now... I love kingdom hearts drawing and other video game series such as Legeend of Zelda, Mario, Dragon Ball Z. I like creativity and imagination, and knowing that people are going to tell me to, yes I read the rules... Well this place looks fun, I can't wait to start posting and stuff like that. Oh, and definately role playing.