Cloud, his buster sword is super cool, and I love his attack pattern.
You know you are obsessed with KH:COM when you pull out cards with little fists on them and then you punch you opponent,
-The musical 'nuff said -Axel dying, I wanted Roxas and him to be friends again, instead of him dying and Roxas not knowing. -Too easy, I mean REAL fun, but much too easy, I'll wait till final mix + and critical mode should do it for me... But I don't care! I love KH! When I play kingdom hearts I feel like this:
Yeah, Zex pretty much cleared up what we already know... Nah, I'm kidding! A reminder could never hurt right? I personally like his origonal clothes the most, they just seem to suit him the best... But that's just my opinion.
Ones I'm guilty of are in red -When you walk you make slightly overexagerated motions, and step loudly, so you look and sound like Sora when walking. -You claim your short messy hair that looks more blonde in the sun is like Roxas'. -In your dreams you are hanging with Marluxia. (I don't know why, but I do.) -You train daily with a wooden sword you make with your grandfather, and when your mum wants something recycled, you smash it up beofre chucking it out. -You are proud to have big feet because Sora does. -Your favourite type of shoes are big chunky sneakers, and you buy the same type when your old ones no longer fit. -You look out for KH, when staring at number plates -Kh is the reason why you love Disney so much. -When someone says something offensive you make fun of the by doing this -You spend long periods of time thinking of your nobody name. -You always say "Is that all you got?" and "My turn!" When having a friendly fight with your friends. (Riku dialogue) -You prefer talking with your friends about KH than anything else. -You are upset that silver is not a natural hair colour. -You have your own kh style character, and made them your own keyblade. Yes they are all red... lol...
What the? I took it 3 times and guess what I got? 1.moogle 2.moogle 3.Kairi 'tis poorly made....
Saix looked everywhere but could not find Zexion. He slowly calmed down. And decided to go back to the kitchen to get his gameboy advance and starwars game back. He saw Xemnas and Larxene still there when he got back, he snatched the GBA from Xemnas' hands and began to speak. "Sorry about before, it's just that when I was playing Kingdom hearts 2 on playstation, I couldn't beat you. And I was upset." Xemnas stared." Kingdom hearts 2?" Saix's eyes grew wide, now remembering he had broken it. Xemnas knew that look." uggh... Borrow Axel's make-up to cover the scar across your face, so the people won't recognise you when you go to "get" a new one." Saix warped into Axel's room, where he and Demyx were on the computer looking for a movie. They haden't noticed the silent psycho, as he covered his identity. Now to steal the objects he was after.
*squeals* YES!!!!!!!! (Sorry 'bout that, spur of the moment.) I have feelings it will come out in America!( Meaning it will come out in Australia.) This is so awesome!
I would really like to see a cars world, where you get to be a car Sora. That'd rock!
Well hey! Welcome to Kh-vids SilentChaos, have fun, read the rules and don't spam, and all that jazz. You draw and write stories 'bout KH? Cool! I do the same, except I do it in RPs, you should join one, being a writer you're gonna love 'em!
Hehehehehe... This movie is gonna be pretty interesting, I think I wanna see it!
Ok here is my list, I wonder if I'll get even better when I become a teenager? (I'm a mega kid gamer!) -Beating the final Bowser on Mario 64 when I was 3.(I was addicted to M64) -Catching Mewtwo in a Pokeball. (I believe he is harder to catch than Mew, but it was a fluke...) -I have 18 level 100s in pokemon ruby with no cheats... -My emerald version has 18 wins, 0 loses, and 0 draws. - I beat Sephiroth at level 79 atage 12 on standard. ( Pretty awesome for a kid...) - I have 456 lightning shards in KH2.(I trained a lot.....) -In Kh2 raised 30 levels in 6 hours.( Non-stop playing.) - Sonic adventure 2 battle, my chao has won everything, even Super level karate!
Saix's anger kept growing as he couldn't defeat Xemnas, he began screaming, he then grabbed his Claymore and savagely started smashing the PS2, and the Kingdom hearts 2 inside it. All that was left were remains of it... Just realising what he had done, he now had to go get a new one later. However he was on America's 10 most wanted, and he was at the top of the list, for countless psychotic crimes, so he needed Zexion to give him the appearance of somebody else as a disguise... He wondered the halls searching for Zexion.
I hate Runescape as well, I just hate the mucic, graphics, and most importantly the lack of a main story to follow.(Only lame side-quests...)
I love Zelda, TP and OOT aremy favourite, its one Nintendo's most genious piece of work!
I beat every saga, even the what-ifs. I love them, especially the Zarbon one, it's so interesting and teaches an important moral. My ss4 Gogeta is like level 113, I love it to bits!
I hate it when people are nerds just because they are smart, but those are the ones who are gonna have all the money in the future... Hehehe It just isn't fair to discriminate somebody because they aren't the popular type... It really cheeses me off!
I'm not offended by them, but I don't use them because they are a cheap way of expressing yourself, I mean any moron could go (insert bad word here) you. I mean they are overused and now plain pointless. But that is just my opinion...
Thats deep dude.... But n00b isn't an insult, more of a term if you will... It's just that the non-n00bs don't want the forum to be n00b-filled, all they ask is that people don't use cheap rushy AIM speak. In my opinion talking like that is lazy, as if you can't be bothered to type a few extra letters... I mean, is it too hard to turn this: I mean how hard could it be to spell and use proper grammer, it's stuff you all know from school. 'Sides, it makes the forum look more refined...
An army of moogles with keyblades!