SUICIDE O_O ... Naw! That's f'er emos. >_< I can see myself dying because of something dumb that I did, being the clumsy and somewhat uncareful person that I am, it seems rather likely... >.<; Though I would prefer to die as an old man, of old age, while silently reminiscing about how good life was, if not that, quickly and painlessly of old age, whilst sleeping.
I always found it perfectly natural, as they are by different companies, I don't actually have a prefered control scheme, but when it comes to favourite controller, the ps2 and the gamecube control are my faves... The Ps2, because the buttons all have a good placement and so do the analogue sticks and the d-pad, but I love the gamecube control, because it is just so damn comfortable, and the buttons are, and DON'T go limp, even after merciless button mashing. But, then again, any controller is better than the clunky X-Box controller, which I find the only thing good about it is, that it is so big, that if you throw it, it is the least likely to smash. xD
Not bad, not bad at all.
Vexen and Maleficent were tough work beating, but Hades took the cake, especially since it was the first world I did, so it took me many battles to beat him, a tough fight indeed.
Riku, ok I guess, I wanted Demyx, but I'm doubting he is a result. Oh well, if I'm Riku, at least I have fangirls. xD
It's cool! The lyrics kind of remind me of the KH opening songs... The style they are written in, that is.
Eh, it was just a tech demo to show the power of the PS3. I don't see a remake of it being made, since their too concerned with making spin-offs. Don't get me wrong, I love FFVII, it's one of my favourite games, but it is just unlikely for it to be remade. But if they did, it would be freaking sweet!
You lucky Americans! xO We in Australia, don't get Brawl until the 1st of June. Anyway, in Melee, I main Marth, I might find an even better char in Brawl... But I hear Marth is improved too... Eh, I guess we'll see then...
Greek Power!!!! Anyway, as you may have guessed, I am all Greek as well, Spartan to be specific. And yes, it counts as a bragging right, and allows me to randomly quote 300 without being a poser. xD
As if Naruto knows how to use a Keyblade. Plus. Final Form is God-like, so... Sora!
I love how KH songs always have a backwards version as well, Utada Hikaru is an absolute musical genius. But I still enjoy the normal version's of both 'Simple and Clean' as well as 'Sanctuary' much more than I do the reversed version. But it's still cool.
Demyx Xemnas Marluxia It's gonna be so awesome!
Yay! That's my video! (I'm keyblader137 on youtube) But yeah! Party!!!
I'd like a name like I dunno Igrigoxo. Yeah Igrigoxo sounds cool... But if not, Rogogixi. But Igrigoxo is easier to pronounce and catchier so... IGRIGOXO If you wanna know my real name, tough luck! But it shouldn't be TOO hard to figure out.
Final, it IS when Sora unlocks the true power of the keyblade, the only thing that upset me about it was that you can't use it in the final battles because Donald and Goofy aren't with you... Plus, it's just plain awesome!
I'd probably mess around... ALOT! I'd also have fun with it, show it off etc. If I could replace the keychain for something of my own, I'd put on some cool looking skull keychain for a wicked looking keyblade, or for the fun of it a dragon ball z keyblade. Then it can shoot kamehamehas or something like that.
OOC: Sorry to use an extra character in the following post, but I need to.) Demyx was getting bored even more, until Marluxia had walked into the room. "Demyx I have orders for you." Marluxia anoounced Demyx stared at him bluntly, "And I should listen to you why?" "Because it's to help out the superior!" Demyx rose up immediately, not wanting to get into trouble. "I happen to know of a group that could pose a threat to the supperior, eliminate them!" Demyx slumped down again, "I have to fight?!" Demyx seemed more upset, "I hate fighting!" However in the end Marluxia swayed Demyx into doing the job, Demyx faded into his black portal. Demyx had reappered inside the twilight town mansion infront of a silver haired boy, a mouse person and a blonde girl. Demyx pulled out his sitar, "So boys and girls, what'd a bunch like you 3 be doing in a place like this?" Demyx asked sarcastically.
The wertle thanks so much! I understand it so much more now! Keep up the good work! I really hope this comes with the American version if there is an American version.
right..... That was odd... But hilarious, the battle for no reason was really funny.
I'll play as Demyx, and since you said we can enter at any time I'll start now... Demyx was lying in his locked room down on his bed rather bored. His room seemed like the room of a typical teenager, there were countless posters of guitar players on the walls, and his guitar specially stored in a rack, and random street signs and CD racks everywhere, and a small laptop in the corner, and his sitar in his hands while he was strumming a few gentle cords. He then heard somebody saying that needed something to shoot, obviously Xigbar, Demyx grabbed his sitar and used it to create around 9 or 10 water clones and they slipped infront of him as he was leading them towards Xigbar, "Hey bullets for brains I got you some shooting dummys!" Demyx called playfully to Xigbar who he reffered to either as Xig, Xiggy and today bullets for brains. The water clones danced forward towards Xigbar. "Dance water dance!" Demyxed chanted his catchphrase.