Because I loved his fanfiction about Sora's Christmas oh so much... so I decided to do a drawing of one of the scenes, at least what I remembered from it. Sadly, no reference at the time so I screwed up majorly on Sora. Ugh, that arm looks broken. Not really meant for cnc, but I won't stop you. *shrugs* Thumbnail'd cause I'm a lazy slowpoke. Should you want to read his story, here's the thread.
It's Sofa's birthday today? I just dunno anymore, more than half of registered members of forums seems to lie about that bit it seems. *why..?*
So some of you may remember that we didn't have the space to have a tree this year because of this new oven/fireplace that stole the spot we usually have the tree in? Well, my whole family's been hinting that every house we passed during trafic had such a nice Christmas tree, that it would have been fun to decorate a tree, and any possible trick youcan imagine. And my dad had obviously taken the point, MOVED one of the BIG chairs to another room ( it happens to be the room where my PS2 is located.... hmmm....... >:3 ) and dragged a tree to where it used to stand. So we get to have a tree after all! A mere half hour before Christmas Eve has started! I swear, we wil never be this late with the tree preparation again, he's probably learned his lesson on procastination. I've just finished decoration on this tree (earlier today I decorated my sister's in only silver and blue theme) and now I'm in a better Christmas mood. :3 Happy holidays to you! *throws chocolate to everyone*
Why is your signature so awesome?! :D
your profile picture is devouring my soul. o: Such.... cuteness..........
When the hell did this happen?!
Or I think it was her who requested this... ^^; Christmas picture of Shinku (5th Rozen Maiden) and KunKun. Sketch: Coloured: I don't have the time to make an avatar out if it tho, sorry.... If anyone wants to fix it into an av then go ahead. Hope you like, now back to the comic pages... This has been holding me back so it was good to get it on paper at last.
The meme thing got popular on DA.... And I found one about KH so here's my go at it. Clink to fullview.. If anyone else wanna take it too, here's the linkage to the original.
I've been working on this for I dunno how many hours, kinda gets harder if you don't use a ruler.. It will be a present for my mom's aunt, it's a drawing of what used to be my grandparents' house. This is just a sketch, I plan on using some colour pencils I won at another site to colour it, a good excuse to test them out. :> And here's something random I drew while I was visiting my cousins. I used their markers, so that's why her hair turned out red instead of brown (WAY too dark brown colour, man) and there was no skintone colour. WAHA DESU!
OK, so Roxas and the artists that will work on the KHVR manga, myself and Hissora, have decided that the manga will be hosted on DeviantArt. There will be updates not only with the pages when the release date has been reached, but also previews and information on how the progress is going etc. So keep an eye on DA.... :3
hasn't a week passed by now? *looks at sticky*
Don't think I've ever been online with only 13 other members on this forum before...
They like you. :3 AC/DC Guns N' Roses
what SA stands for, but I asume it's your old username? *gets killed by KHV veterans*
I thought shadowjak was in charge of the Spamzone?
The tigers, jaguar and panther says hi. :3
Meh, I can't help but to bring some equipment with me when I travel, most of all my A5 notepad. (drives my family crazy when I do that) Here's some stuff while on my 2 week trip to Gran Canaria. Shinku, drawn on the plane on the way to GC - Rozen Maiden, yay! :3 *was no time for cleanups cuz we were landing..* An experiment with the markers I bought at Raptus 07 - I love them, but still haven't quite got the grip yet. I completly destroyed the beautiful beach here..... ._. I don't have enough different markers, only one green which is SHARP. I drew Lexaeus by the pool, I personally prefer the first sketch... over this coloured one - apparently the lineart pen that followed the marker pack won't dry that well... I had to resort to pointilism when colouring to avoid damage. Lastly here's a quick plan of a possible summer picture of Roxas and the gang should I feel like it. I drew more this year than last year, I think.... *shrugs*
Greetings from Gran Canaria - what'd I miss so far of randomness? :3
Nu vil æ færra te Mexico..... Færra på tur te Mexico.... Ahem. This Saturday I will leave Norway, on a vacation that will last two weeks in Gran Canaria. We always go there on the exact same week every year because there's a little appartment rented to us on said week, beofre someone else gets it later. This is also part of my health issue, dang joints needs warmth even if I've always prefered reasonably cold climates, that's why I'm always going most of the years. What does this mean to you, KHV? Not much. X3 There is an internet cafe there that's open almost everyday during the morning and afternoon. Since most of my friends are on the internet I'll most likely log on as often as I can to see how it goes, but know that I will miss a lot of activity here. I probably won't be able to give deep cnc in the art section either. If there's something importaint you would like my opinion about, the best thing would be to send me a PM. If there is MSN installed on the computers that could work too. If there's someone writing a random KHV story in the spamzone (like Jordie, Spike and La Sofa did), I'd highly appreciate it if someone could PM me whenever there's updates. Until then, I'll still be here almost all day, lol. X3