It's true, you know: I think this is the second time making one.
As the title says, this is a sketch I made last night of the innocent gear Dizzy from Guilty Gear games. Only in this version she is not at all innocent, but the evil "alter ego". If you think Dark Link you are close enough. DeviantArt link. And those aren't nipples. It's some metal things attached to her outfit I dunno, ask the game creator. Fellow friends/GG fans told me to finish it naow, but before I start inking it I want some critique if you see things that can be changed. Once it's inked there's no turning back. GIMME.
THIS ALL STARTED BECAUSE OF ONE SINGLE SMILEY An oldie but a goodie. And I am still listening to it. How about you, kitty?
Before the world needed to be saved, life went on as always in the Kokiri village. I have a little nerves before today since I'm taking a test about how to use Microsoft Access, so I drew this in bed. And actually had time to scan today. X3 W00t, first time drawing Tootsie and Sammy up close! Hope it looks like them. I feel in a sense violated. No way in hell she made up that name by herself, I've been using it since 2003! And have never registered on Gaia! When Kitty and I were to investigate Gaia I never got through the registration in the first place, and I would never have used my actuall username. This makes me realize... This person could actually attempt to steal my art as the usernames are the same. o: Apparently she doesn't seem to be active though, but still - if you ever see anyone posting art from the DA account claiming it to be theirs, I'd like to get a PM about it to confirm if this is actualy my account.
This drawing has been bugging me for months - I finaly finished it today after pushing myself to draw nonstop for 8 hours. (don't even get me started on how long the whole thing has taken me in total) Again, used some of the colour pencils that I have won in another forum during autumn, they are so hard to use mainly because they act exactly like 6B pencils... ugh.. I'll never draw houses again... =.= The only reason I drew this one is because it was my late grandparents' house, and I have many fond memories of it. So this is sort of my tribute to it. :3 At first my mother asked me to make it for my grand aunt, but I have worked too damn long on this to just give it away. I'll send her a copy instead or something. BTW, reason it says L in it is because I removed my last name from it. :> Hope you guys like it. My brain is dead.
MAIL FROM KITTY!!!! MAIL FORM KITTY!!!!!!!!! I WOKE UP WITH MAIL FROM KITTY!!!!!! :D She was such an awesome angel to help me get some mangas that I had an extremly hard time to find, and here they are!!! Yay!!!! And chocolate too holy crap, that's how we were ment to spend Easter vacations!! I'll share.... maybe.... >:3 And every single greeting you wrote put a smile on my face. ^^ lol, Scooby... I think I remember that episode. And look!! Look!!! You made my cats happy too, they loved the cardbox it came in!! You make everyone so happy, thank you so much!!! <3<3<3 I'll get the house done, so I can start sketching my thanks to you!!
Has anyone else noticed that it is upside down?
Yeah, since there's a very little chance of getting KHVR chapters now that the author has cut himself permamently(?) from KHV, me and Hissora agreed that there was no point to continue working on the manga. So it too has been cancelled. :x Though right now I'm going to scan the pages I have sketched, and put them on the DeviantArt account we have - Hissora will do the same. :3 So brb.
So after being here for a while, I've seen loads of posts suggesting that the artist look up on some tutorials, but not actually linking to them. This thread shall have a list of tutorials for various purposes that can be used for traditional art - anatomy, technique, tools, almost anything to be found in the book. :3 If you know of some tutorials you'd want to see on the list, post in a comment the original source of the tutorial, it should appear as a link. Progresses, runthroughs and walkthroughs are fine too, but first of all tutorials are wanted. The general rules still apply, especially the one about art theft - no ripping tutorials or you will be in trouble. Anything under a spoiler is basic descriptions of what everything in the link entails if there is more than one tutorial within. Without further explanation, here are the tuts - note that most will need to be fullviewed/downloaded if it's from DeviantArt: Body basics Human anatomy: Guide to drawing the body, by Cedarseed. Guide to human types, by Cedarseed. Drawing the female body, by Thassaka. General human anatomy by Andrew Loomis (downloadable books for free- PDF files) Spoiler: descriptions of what each book contains Fun with a pencil How to construct lines and structures that are used everywhere in drawing e.g. the head is basically a ball with other shapes added to it. Figure drawing for all it’s worth The basics of figure drawing- laying the groundwork to help you understand the structure of the body. Drawing the heads and hands The basics of drawing heads and hands Successful drawing The basics of how to draw in correct proportion and angles and how to nail dimensions. Creative illustration How to draw something and at any time have the correct lighting, texture, structure and relation to the environment. Eye of the Painter Basics of drawing not just what we see but actually drawing to give life to the picture. Also, gives details about general proportions, presenting the image, lighting, form, design and more. Human bodyparts: Drawing anime faces, by Crysa * Very good * Manga eye tutorial - bishoujo style, by Illness-Illusion The manga eye guide, by Jakuu. How to draw hands, by kitten-chan. How to draw feet and shoes, by kitten-chan. Poses: Capturing pose and figure study, by fyuvix. Drawing character poses, by pandabaka. Clothes: Drawing clothes and folds - part 1, by Crysa. Drawing clothes and folds - part 2, by Crysa. Animals: Horse tutorial, by Droemar. Canine leg anatomy, by Bonz847. Fantasy features: Angel wing tutorial, by raerae. Angel wing tutorial - various angles, by raerae. Demon wing tutorial, by raerae. Techniques to lineart, shading and colouring Traditional tools Pencils: Shading with pencil progress (has been added digital elements, thus it's mixed media), by mythori. Shading with coloured pencils, by kamikaze777. * Very good * Acrylic paint: Cat and goldfish painting process, by paradegritar. Watercolour paint: Roxas painting process, by Revenant-Wings. Digital tools Lineart: Using the pen tool bar, by THAZumi. Guide to lineart, by cat-cat. Colouring: Basics about light and shadows, by runeechan. Basics CG Tutorial, by iDNAR. Quick and easy colouring, by vashs-angel. Colouring in realism style, by minties. Soft colouring tutorial, by Kitanya. Process of Doom, by shilin. Awe of She comic page progress, by leblackdragon. The making of Pepper Portrait, by Artgerm. Effects: Fairy glow, by Zoy. Magic glow, by makani. Various elements - lightning, snow and fire, by ShadowUmbre. Sky tutorial - sky at night, by Sadir89. Sky tutorial - sky during morning/twilight and stormy clouds, by Sadir89. Old paper look tutorial, by princendymion. Word balloon tutorial, by dynamicsketch. Manga/anime specific: This is for those more interested in Manga/anime drawing, however, it is advised that if you want to properly learn how to draw anime style you also need knowledge on the human figure and anatomy (see above). Human bodyparts: Drawing anime faces, by Crysa * Very good * Manga eye tutorial - bishoujo style, by Illness-Illusion The manga eye guide, by Jakuu. Hair: Drawing anime hair - bangs, by Crysa. * Very good * Clothes: Drawing clothes and folds - part 1, by Crysa. Drawing clothes and folds - part 2, by Crysa. Colouring: Shading with coloured pencils, by kamikaze777. * Very good * Roxas painting process, by Revenant-Wings. Basics about light and shadows, by runeechan. Quick and easy colouring, by vashs-angel. Soft colouring tutorial, by Kitanya. Process of Doom, by shilin. Lineart: Guide to lineart, by cat-cat. Various tutorials: Polykarbon's tutorials over how to draw bodies, weapons, clothes, which tools to use etc. Now available in Spanish! Spoiler: Descriptions of what each link entails Materials: What do I draw this stuff with? The materials you use for manga drawing explained. The Basics: Can't start without knowing this stuff! The simple building blocks that make up the things you draw explained. HANDS part 1 and part 2 How to successfully draw hands. FEET How to successfully draw feet. HAIR!!!! The basics of how to draw hair so it flows. Expressions!!!! The basics on how to draw expressions. Foreshortening: A short cut? A quick and easy tip on helping with foreshortening (how to convey an image as 3 dimensional). Creating a Character! Basics on the body language of a character you are making. Fighting and Camera Angles The basic body stance reactions for fights and the effects of different camera angles. The basic female head/ front view The dynamics of drawing a female head from the front. Frontview simplified The basics of drawing a face from the front (specifically female). The basic female head/ profile The basics of drawing a female face from profile (sideways). Profile simplified The basics of drawing a head from profile viewpoint (sideways) (specifically female). The 3/4 view female head The basics of drawing a head from the ¾ viewpoint. 3/4 view simplified The basics of drawing a head from the ¾ viewpoint (specifically female). The female body The basics on the female figure and how to successfully get the proportions right. Facial Features Part 1: the EYE One way of drawing manga eyes. Facial Features Part 2: The Mouth The basics of drawing manga mouths with or without lips. Chibi Drawing! (aka Super Deformed) The basics of chibi drawing (non-proportional body that is normally used to convey cuteness). The Male Body The basics on drawing a proportional male figure. The Male Torso The basics on drawing a male torso. The Male Head The basics on drawing the male head. Action Poses The basics to different action poses and how to successfully use them. A Basic Mech The basics of drawing a Mecha (a suit of armour/robot). Clothing part 1: The Physics of Folds Where to place folds in clothes when drawing characters. Clothing part 2: Buckles, Snaps and Laces How to successfully draw buckles, laces, zips and snaps. Weapons: Pistols and Revolvers The basics on drawing revolvers and pistols StoryBoards (semi Tutorial) A BROKEN LINK Mark Crilley (Youtube tutorials) Broken links Ninja in air pose progress, by phoenixelement. Starry sky tutorial, by Fatal-mantis85. If there's broken links or typos, tell Ienzo or Peyton and one of them will change them.
Rosey - oldest sister says: Coco would I be your hero if I called him? Rosey - oldest sister says: ...xD Cocohints says: you would be my lover if you did :3 She did!! <3
.... I tried to draw one of my favourite parts of kitty's story. It got kinda.... weird. That's why I put this in spamzone rather than art section. >> Forgive me DA for screwing up. *hides*
From the Criteria of becoming premium thread during October. .. *looks outside in the night*
It's 5 PM and theres darkness, thunder and lightning bolts outside as I type. ;.; I'm gonna go hide somewhere now
I think it was Kitty who convinced me to try drawing Aqua since there's so little screenshots of her in the news section. (damn you Square...) So today, again mostly on the bus, I practiced on drawing her. Though I have no idea what the front of her outfit looks like, I only had time to use the huge poster as reference for 5 minutes. :x I prefer the profile of the side more than the one in front... The eyes got too meh and not aligned enough as I'd like them. Most of all the hair is what's the real challenge. Sometimes I think she looks like Terra with boobs. X3 The order I drew the hair: 1 - I started with the strands of hair next to her ears, because they're what you'll spot last. 2 - Making simple strands of hair from the left side of her forehead. 3 - The right side of the bangs I think are meant to have more hair than the left, the circle helped me keeping it to a certain area. I also let the longest strands of hair reach the ear. 4 - If you separate the head in four equal parts, this would be concentrated on the top right area. I made three lines so that I would know where the collected parts of hair would go. I think of a flower slowly dying to decide how the hair bends as you go from the top to the bottom of the head. 5 - I made sure that this part of the hair also had a bend feel to it, like a slide. It is rather long, it should at least reach about the same line as her shoulders are placed. 6 - These strands of hair can be compared to hooks, because they do this sharp bend outwards. Almost square like sometimes. 7 - A finishing touch to sort of connect the hair together so that it looks more like short hair. I hope this makes sense... And I can't wait to see more screenshots of Aqua, IF SQUARE ACTUALY GIVES THEM OUT.
I didn't notice you had a new sig!! :D
.. and I have no gift!! ;.; Only thing I can do is to make an attempt to bake something. Suggestions?
After looking at animes on the laptop, he was in awe when he saw that one anime: Since it's my sister's birthday today I couldn't work on KHVR, so I drew this instead on the bus today. :3 Incase you can't tell, that's Shinku's outfit. omg, first drawing of 2008.. Remember the CnC thread guys if you're in doubt! :>
.. the first volume of Fullmetal Alchemist in a Norwegian translated edition in the local Kiwi market, half the price of the English addition yet same amount of chapters. And I can only say: it's about frikkin time. I've already reached to 13 volumes though. Norway's a damn slowpoke in the manga buisness.