Anyone heard of this? I really like this anime. Think Card Captor Sakura witha serious sci-fi edge. My favorite characters are Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate (Hayate is from A's.) I can't wait for subs of the third season (StrikerS)!
Yes, I've been a fan of this series since '05, and have been writing a fanfic of it too! <3 Like a third season that never was.....check it out @! I'm LunarReflection there BTW. My fav characters are Sara and Seira! <3 I guess Hanon too. Heck, I like 'em all!
oo! Where can I find that? Gimmeh! xD A hair dryer >____> and Star Ocean 3 OST
Move - Fly me so high I was making a (non-KH related) AMV with this song but my comp refuses to save it after I finished it a few days ago! ARGH!!
TM Revolution - Zips OMG am I obsessed with this song or what?! O____________O
Kana Ueda - Snow Rain
TM Revolution - Invoke
Rie Tanaka - Quiet Night (both Lacus and Meer versions)
Tam Arrow - Fire to the Eurobeat Fire~
Naruto OST - Fighting Dreamers
Mami Kawada - IMMORAL Kyaa~~
Tam Arrow - Fire to the Eurobeat This song is so much <333 I have a simfile of the song on my Stepmania, even comes with the Mai Hime AMV by the famous AMV maker, JCD!!!
TM Revolution - Zips
Nana Mizuki - Innocent Starter
Olivia Lufkin - NANA OST - Starless Night
Aya - OVER NIGHT Le Chevalier D'Eon Ending <3
Crispy - The Game Saw this on an AMV once...
Onyx - ! From ITG2...playign Stepmania now...
Spectrobes is technically Disney, but yeah, that'd be nice....How about some Star Ocean worlds? KH needs love from Enix as well as Square.
You can't have an AMV without effects and/or transitions. ;) Click the "view effects" or "view transitions", see which ones you like, and apply them to the clips =) For extra effects and transitions, visit =) They even have a guide to help ya set 'em up =D