Innocent Starter and Eternal Blaze, both by Nana Mizuki
Currently it's the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha OP themes, Innocent Starter and Eternal Blaze...will list more later xP
I need good AMV making progreams for Windows (meaning no iMovie). I know of WMM (have that), Vegas (had a trial), Premiere, Pinnacle Studio, Magix, After Effects. Any other good ones? Also, how to make a good MEP AMV. Which programs to use and how to use them to their full potential! As well as where to get *FREE* added SFX, particleillusions/bgmovies and such. I know an AWFUL LOT OF STUFF but eh.
Tanaka Rie - Quiet Night CE 73
MELL - red fraction Black Lagoon OP
E-Rotic - Touch Me ^____~
Nana Mizuki - Innocent Starter
hehe, I'm suuuch a perv...maybe his clothes "burned off" when he fell into the Mako or something? But that doesn't explain how his skin is still intact....let alone his upper half xD
Kana Ueda - Snow Rain from Nanoha A's...
Elfen Lied OST (dunnio who artist is) - Lilium
Some more...only a few though... - Kaleido Star: New Wings (from episode 5 on up only, I haven't seen any enw dub eps on Anime on Demand for the LONGEST time now) - Kannazuki no Miko - X/1999 TV - Angelic Layer ep 11 on up - Eureka 7 - Mai Hime - Card Captor Sakura - Shakugan no Shana That and the others out to do for now. ^^ Just a few of any of these will suffice.
Marvel Frozen of the first SO...she's an interesting character. I posted a thread here to discuss this complex person. Beware of SPOILERS, though. I just beat Freya in SO3 and all I got was ONE! lousy Battle Trophy. Invincible Fayt (with 5069 DEF) negated ALL her attacks though (even Ether Strike!! OMG~) I researched Marvel's character on GameFAQs, I noticed she sold her body to an ancient race to avenge her murdered family. However, she seems to have a connection to Joshua Jerand's abducted sister Elise -- a connection she seems to protect at all costs, even if it means death. WHen you visit the roon with Elise frozen in a blcok of ice, and both Marvel AND Joshua are in the party, Marvel will say something about fighting you, Elise becomes free, and both Elise and Marvel "cease to exist". Likewise, if you have neither Joshua nor Marvel, Elise will break free and vanish, and so will Marvel back in Ecdart. What do you think is the connection btwn those two? I believe Elise was the "binding contract" that made Marvel continue to exist in Roak. If Elise ever became free, both she and Marvel would die. Just who IS Marvel, really?
Just as I was watching the scene where Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia, I noticed something I didn't before....Seph's missing his lower half! I wonder why.... I mean, it's not like Cloud sliced him in half as he fell into the Mako mass or something...I think? Feh but who cares! What's left of him is practically naked! x) *brick'd*
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn straight. Niko - Night of Fire =O!!
Sora going Shadow Clone Jutsu on Sephi-rii....funny xDD I like the music too. I can't wait to see more hacks!
If you're obsessed with Magical Girl anime, shout some quirky henshin (transformation) phrase and do some "henshin twirl" and hope to be suddenly wearing a quirky outfit.
^ Agreed! Rie Tanaka - Quiet Night (Meer version)
Is this, by chance, the rewrite of Evangelion? Or is it Death & Rebirth movie? I personally didn't understand Death/Rebirth OR End of brain hurts! ><;
I'd appreciate it if anyone could upload subs from the following series: - Black Lagoon - Mai Otome - Rozen Maiden/Traumend - Pretty Cure (1st season only) - Death Note - Elfen Lied TV + OVA - Kaleido Star New Wings: Extra Stage OVA - REALLY LOW QUALITY episodes of Gundam Seed and Destiny! Since I'm lacking the $$ to buy the dub DVDs and I can take LQ's ^___^ That's it for now.