Yay a Tutu fan! I prefer the Mytho x Rue pair meself though. =D Uh....Nina x Arika of My-Otome (coming to US DVD this fall)! YAY FER YURI! *shot*
Nifty, summon spells too! I wonder what the ability/magic system will be like...also, if they cast George Newbern as Sephiroth in the US version (he was Seph's FF7AC VA) I will have a serious fangirl-esque JOYGASM. <3333
I can understand Seph being a role model for murderers but RENO?! Reno's not even what you call a "villain"! Sure he fights Cloud a couple of times but still... It's like FF7 is Germany's Grand Theft Auto or somethin.
Huh, I could SWEAR that Xemnas was exactly as tan-skinned as Xehanort's Heartless....Xehanort as a human had light skin though...
There's also their latest, Pretty Cure. Not ruined yet though, as there are currently no plans to dub it...
2.) Pokemon. 4kids gave it up to some other company. 3.) Yu-Gi-Oh/GX, still under 4kids' control 4.) Tokyo Mew Mew *koff Mew Mew Power koff* presumably canceled...? 5.) Shaman King
Nacht's his name eh? He's good lookin~ Arc and Reno = cute but not "hot" Cloud, Vayne, Vincent, Genesis, Laguna, Rufus = Haaawtttttttt. <333 Sephiroth, Irvine = The PINNACLE of SEXINESS~~~ lol big word xD
I like them all, really ^^ EVEN Sophia. *booed at* Srsli, she can be an MVP if you set her skills up the right way and teach her certain ones! And if she's in your battle party, ALWAYS control her. Every SO3 character has qualities that make him or her unique and contribute to a fun battle xD
Ignited from Gundam Seed Destiny, and the OP (Re-sublimity) and ED (Agony) of Kannazuki no Miko are LOVE. <3333
TM Revolution - Ignited Yayz.
I believe you're forgetting 2 potential (guy) VAs... Setzer, played by Crispin Freeman. You hear his voice in lotsa anime nowadays. also: Sephiroth, as voiced by ??? (probably his FF7AC voice?) Kyaaaa <33333!!! sexiness~(KH2, mind you, NOT KH1!)
I support pretty much all kinds of pairings -- even yuri! Chikane x Himeko of Kannazuki no Miko (aka Kaon and Himiko of Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora). But why are the yuri fans gone!? Natsuki Kuga x Shizuru ? (dunno last name) - Mai-HiME. I also support Mai Tokiha x Natsuki. ZOMG A "crack" PAIRING! Hikaru x Kaoru of Ouran. Classic! ^^ HAS HINTS IN DA ANIME~ and yaoi for once :O Nanoha Takamachi x Yuuno Scrya, Nanoha series. They should SO tie the knot at the end of StrikerS. look a het pairing! xD Hayate Yagami x Vita of Nanoha. HINTS IN DA ANIME! Michiru x Haruka, Sailor Moon. CLASSIC YURI PAIRING! 8D Will list moar l8r xD~
Raging Heart, SET UP in my pants! - Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series That was odd...
If Sephiroth's in it, it'll be a matter of time before Cloud pops up. The heroine and villain of FF (v) XIII would be awesome. Lightning, I think, was the girl's name, right? I wonder if the "Tactics" universe titles will count toward this too. Who knows?
How could I forget Gantz?! Laser machine thing slicing ppl up....
Well, it's worth watching if you like the following: - BIG b00bz. - Big butts too - Overall oddness Er...yeah.
Nana Mizuki - Innocent Starter, ETERNAL BLAZE and secret ambition
Hohoho, I've had my share of dumb lyrics I've heard...I'll post some when I remember =P...
KOTOKO to Mami Kawada - radiance