Hmm... - Mena Suvari (KH2!Aerith) has done various movie roles... - Rachel Leigh Cook (Tifa) has had a role in the live-action Josie and the Pu-ssycats. - Gwendoline Yeo (Paine) has had a role on 24.... - Tara Strong (Rikku) COUNTLESS cartoon and anime roles. oh yeah and video games, duh. - George Newbern (Sephiroth as of KH2, Advent Children) is also the voice of FFX-2's Nooj. - Melissa Disney (Vivi) was on um....some Nick cartoon lol....
Anime Expo 07 and ahead. From ADV Films: Devil May Cry: the Animation Gurren Lagann (yup they got it) Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora (aka Kyoshiro and the Eternal Sky) 5 cm per Second Wallflower Venus Versus Virus Geneon Ent: Shakugan no Shana OVAs Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/A's Bandai: Code Geass My-Otome Zwei Funi: Ouran High School Host Club The *NEW* One Piece Sony: FFVII Last Order Viz: NANA tv series Honey & Clover (uhh I think Viz has it) These are all the licenses of anime by company I remember anyway. Not one DVD for ADV's Kyoshiro or Geneon's Nanoha yet, but I hope the first DVDs will be in by at least Dec...
I agree. Same for KH1!Sephiroth. His design (and voice) was a Luckily both were made 10x hotter in KH2. (I DO think Seph's new "hip-wings" make him sexier. As they say Hips don't lie -- *Seph slices me into SUSHI*) -ahem- Some dudes not on the list that I find attractive (1 being cute but not hot, 2 eh midpoint, 3 whoo he's sexiness defined) Luneth (1) Ingus (2) Genesis (2.75) Angeal (3; I feel odd because he's 30ish and I'm 18 lol) Zack (2.5) Seifer (2) Baralai (1) Nooj (2.25, DON'T ASK.) Gippal (1.75) Tidus (1.5) Kuja (1.25, I like his girlishness *brick'd*) Kadaj (1) Yazoo (2) Cloud (2) Tseng (2 What?! Don't gimme that look!) Rufus (2.5) Laguna (3; omg I can't believe I'm crushing on SQUALL'S DAD!!) eh I'll fill in later...
Is 4th (aka Yondaime) even RELATED to Naruto!? o____o; Zabuza and Haku...leave them as is. Sides, Haku WANTED to die. Why do you think he impaled himself by Kakashi's Chidori which was meant for Zabuza?
Haha, and Boss Frog sounds JUST LIKE Pete!!! Just soemthing I noticed....
Meh...I think the ghosts could be Dis-souls or whatever Nomura plans to call them.... Anyway, I always thought Heartless were separate entities from their original being. Then how can Scar be a Heartless and well....himself at the same time? Yeah and the Nobody thing is what I thought too...
Gaara can't die. He "died" in a FILLER episode -- and if someone who dies in a filler stays dead, then Houston, we got a problem. It's like that infamous "Naruto Dies" filler ep. He didn't REALLY die. Maybe he did, but someone revived him after that I suppose...same for Gaara dying in that one filler... Dosu deserved to live too. Say, did we actually see the scene where Kin and Zaku were killed? I remember Sarutobi "reaping" Hokages 1 and 2 and you see Zaku's and Kin's corpes out of the dust... Also, WHO killed Dosu? It wasn't Orochimaru...I think either Kankuro, Choji or Gaara did...
Nani?! Gaara died? When? KK, I'm surprised no one mentioned: ... Kin Tsuchi. She was an awesome Kunoichi, if only Orochimaru hadn't killed her!! >___< Oh and uh...Hayate Gekkou I suppose.
I'm more a LustxEnvy person meself ;P ItachixSakuraxSasuke? Sakura ish dating BOTH BROS! xD
It would be interesting if Naruto actually MET Yondaime (I believe Yondaime died before the series began) since Naruto says a lot, "Guide me, Yondaime..."
KaiNam! That's a classic ^___^ So is Meer (on the left) x Lacus (right) *points to sig* HINTS PL0X. <33 Hmm....I hear Maria-sama ga Miteru, the yuri anime that started it all, is liscenced by Geneon. I wonder if it's true...
OMG have Alvin and co gone GANGSTA?! And this is real! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?!?! *dies*
I'd change some deaths. The earliest deaths, Haku and Zabuza Momochi, can be left as is (Haku wanted to die anyway). But remember Kin Tsuchi and her 2 teammates (the 3 shinobi of the Sound Village)? The bald one was killed by Gaara I think, while Kin and the guy who had his arms disabled by Shino were slain by Orochimaru to use as sacrifices! I'd at least change Kin's death, if not eliminate it (i.e. when Orochimaru kills the one with the bad arms, Kin would fight her sensei bravely till her end)! If I can't avoid her death, she would still die, but with HONOR, you know?
Awesome! But please, please, PLEASE not on mobile!! My providers won't provide it if mobile, and you know how the last mobile went, Nomura! Stick with DS or PSP, please...
I'm surprised there is no news on their dubbing Pretty Cure yet....they got it in 05 I think...
When Inuyasha anime ended in 2004, there have been rumors that Rumiko Takahashi may have been formulating a second series. So far, the rumors are pretty much false. There will most likely be OVAs though. (OVA = in most cases, spinoffs of anime that were aired on TV; OVAs are straight to video meaning no TV airing, no theater showing, etc.)
Code Geass is just ONE of '07's noteworthy US acquisions. Here are some more, sorted by company: ADV Films - Air TV + Movie (TV volume 1 out today!!) Innocent Venus Venus Versus Virus (I think?) Xenosaga animation Devil May Cry anime Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Bandai - My-Otome (coming soon) Gundam Seed Astray (I think) My-Otome Zwei Code Geass (duh) forgot what else... Geneon: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha & A's (W00T!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!) Shakugan no Shana OVAs Rozen Maiden + Traumend + Overture I think... Fate/Stay Night Unsure which companies: Shuffle 4kids: None. Yay xD Already dropped Pokemon, One Piece, may drop Tokyo Mew Mew and Pretty Cure soon!! Funimation: Jigoku Shojo + possible plans for Fukatomori (2nd season) Ouran High School Host Club That's it for now, there may be more...
*dies* TOO MUCH YAOI...NOT ENOUGH YURI!! Shojoai needs love too you know? Nothing against shonenai fans though... My favorite GL/yuri animanga are Kannazuki no Miko by Kaishaku and Yami to Boshi to Hon no Tabibito by Carnelian. =3 WHat about you?
Too bad it ended at 49 eps huh? The manga is MUCH longer and may even have a better ending! *hopes so*
True, but the ending didn't clear up anything. Plus, I'd like GetBackers and BoBoBo to continue but that just ain't happening now is it??