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  1. Sophia_Esteed061289
    ooh ooh oooh YURI TIEM~

    Aerith x Kairi
    Yuffie x Namine
    Tifa x Larxene? 8D;
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Sophia_Esteed061289
    They already have made a couple fics. :O
    But please ppl, SephSetz FTW!!! Write now -- or I'll eat yew :O
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Any interviews with other VAs? Namely the ones that play the FF characters or Org. XIII...
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Sophia_Esteed061289
    KH1: Clayton. He was such a cold, merciless jerk >_< ANd QUeen Of Hearts, just because....and of course CERBERUS >____<
    CoM: Lexaeus. Not only is he the ugliest member of the Org (imo, Vexen is creepy but not 100% ugly), he barely speaks. I imagine if he would, he'd sound like the giant from Jacka nd teh Beanstalk... "FEE FI FO FUM" o.O Battle-wise, either Larxene or Marluxia. I got pwned 10 times before successfully beating them >_< oh yes and Riku Replica too.
    KH2: uhhhhhhhhhhh.......ummmmmmmmm....I didn't "hate" anyone, but Sora seemed like a jerk to me...
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Sephiroth x Setzer. They has TEH SILVER HAIR OF D00M XD I'm not saying silver hair is bad. In fact, it PWNS ALL~
    Zexion x Aerith. Kinda rare pairing, but it exists in only 2 (;_; ) fics on FFnet...
    Leon x Tifa. idk, but LeonAerith and LeonYuffie are nice pairings, except wh0red too often...
    Seifer x Yuffie? Now THAT is rare!
    Namine x Selphie -- SO NONEXISTANT!! T^T
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Sophia_Esteed061289
    SakuIno (Naruto - Sakura x Ino)
    TemaTen (Temari x Tenten)
    RukiHime (Bleach - Rukia x Orihime)

    yay fer yuri~
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Haha, it looks that licence of Pretty Cure that 4kids announced....never came to fruition and is now in the hands of Toei US or something. w00tness. <3 Now for Tokyo Mew Mew... >____> *ahem*
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Sophia_Esteed061289
    TM Revolution - Ignited

    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Odd....because when I got banned from an InvisionBoard forum, it even blocked me from VIEWING THE FORUM ITSELF, and I hear other vB-based forums do that too for banned users...
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sophia_Esteed061289
    I saw in the "total visited members" list, the banned member "Roxas-". Why did he pop up as being online when he's well, banned? Check it out...
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 5, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Look where Sephiroth is, then look really hard around the hip area. That's yer proof. :O I dunno if you can tell, I'll post a better scan later...
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Other bad voices hmm....
    Xaldin. To me, his face did not match his voice.

    Did teh original PotC trio (Depp, Knightley, Bloom) voice the caharcters they played in the movies, or did other people voice those char's?
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Sophia_Esteed061289
    FlyFF....hmm....looks fun but idk if I have to pay to play after # days. Plus, the classes don't interest me too much....
    I've seen several MMORPGS (majority free) in ad banners all over the place. Are some of them good? If so, name a few...
    Meh....for RO, I prefer bigger communities. The more the merrier, they say.
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  14. Sophia_Esteed061289
    To me, Sephiroth was actually quite EASY!~
    *everyone shouts, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"*
    Yuppers. Boosting Def, Drive-learned abilities, limits, but primarily basic abilities such as the one that lets you recover from a mid-air hit...
    *cough* Anyway....
    - Xaldin. The first TRUE hard boss I remember. Even Mickey, when he tried to save my arse, didn't last long! But here's somethin odd - after hitting 1 hp, Xaldin hit Mickey 3 more times and Mickey STILL HAD ONE HP!!!!! o.O If only the revive thingy could be faster....
    - Xigbar. Isn't too bad at first, but later on can get tough. Plus, I ALWAYS go Antiform midway and 98.5% of the time get PWNED.....
    - Luxord. Took a while to catch on to his battle methods...
    - HB!Demyx. Water Clones in 10 secs, nuff said. Oh and Antiform too. >___<
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Sophia_Esteed061289
    The bad news - no KH stuff.
    The worse news - no more tidbits on the new Star Ocean projects. T____T As well as no more info on that Parasite Eve mobile game *remake for PSP pl0x. My mobiles don't support the game's format!!*
    The good news - We FINALLY see Before Crisis *and possible news of its rumored PSP remake, which I hope can also be applied to DoC:Lost Episode*, more of Dissidia and DQ9, maybe FFXIII too~
    Even BETTER news - we see the 100% complete Crisis Core, and see progress on FFIV DS, DQIV DS, and's a matter of time before they hit NA shores *I'm hoping by December 07*
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Sophia_Esteed061289
    The ULTIMATE Sailor Moon yuri pair: Haruka x Michiru (Amara x Michelle). IT HAS HINTS IN THE JAPANESE CANON! *coughEngcallsthem"cousins"cough*
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Only one I've played is RO. *needs to pay soon* Speaking of RO, anyone know private servers that don't make things too easy OR too hard, friendly GMs, and are as close to kRO or (better) iRO as possible?
    WoW....not too interested but I'd KILL to meet Leeroy Jenkins xDD
    FFXI.....thinking about it.
    MapleStory - looks fun but I don't like the visuals too much

    Any others you suggest?
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 2, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Hayner - I forgot what he sounded like T_T
    Pence - he's Mac from Foster's am I right?
    Olette - sounds....familiar....
    Aerith - Her new VA is Mena Suvari. Her KH2 voice can require a lil getting used to....AC was better though.
    Yuffie - is that Katara's voice I hear?! o___O
    Cloud - Veteran VAs FTW.
    Leon - Alright. I liked David Borneaz's voice better. BTW who does his new voice?
    Tifa - sounds a bit too young for her o__O
    Rikku (Chibi!Gullwings) - Fits, as usual.
    Yuna and Paine - sounds a bit old for them....
    Fuu - Oddly fits...
    Rai - fotgot what he sounds like T^T
    Seifer - fits....
    Setzer - Crispin Freeman = LOVE <3333333333333333
    Sephiroth - his KH2 voice is teh smex. <3 And it's NOT Lance Bass, w00t! It's either one of these two though (I haven't beat the game yet so I haven't seen credits to make sure): George Newbern (FFVIIAC, future FFVII projects, Wikipedia credits him) or Ron Perlman (who's he lol. I hear he's the one mentioned in the credits). Who cares, it's SEXEH~!
    Cid - fits, despite the fact he LACKED A VOICE in KH1....
    Auron - eh same as FFX.
    Luxord - just the way I imagined he'd sound XD!
    Jasmine - d00d, did she turn into Paula Abdul!? A bad voice NO ONE HERE mentioned...perhaps worse than Aerith~
    Will list more later...
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Crack pairings = win. *had a good laugh these past few pages*

    Square-Enix x Disney x Enix
    SUPPORT ENIX GOSHDURNIT! It ain't just Square anymore ya know.
    I've seen 74392865892365872469713298621305 crack pairing KH fics on FFnet, I'll list later lol.....

    YURI LUFF~~~
    Yuffie x Larxene. As the Wendy's ads say, That's right.
    Aerith x Namine. Dun ask...
    Kairi x Olette
    Tifa x Aurora. OMG TEH CRACK!! *dies of crack overdose*
    Aerith x Sophia (SO3). From Square-Enix, have similar features (hair and eye color), roles in battle are similar, and they are both bashed a lot D:
    Tifa x Jessica (Dragon Quest 8). Boobage lolz

    In non-yuri pairings (yaoi and het)
    Demyx x Deidara (Naruto Shippuuden). Randomness = win
    Envy (FMA) x Sephiroth x Albel Nox (Star Ocean 3). You got Enix'd! *FMA is originally from Enix*
    Riku x Fate Testarossa (Nanoha FTW! Gimme teh DVDs already, Geneon. >___>)
    Seifer x Mikuru =O

    weeeeee funnnnnnN~~~
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Xehanort's Heartless in KH2 is voiced by Richard Epcar (Ziggy of Xenosaga I-III, Batou of GITS:SAC, Bo-bobo)
    Xemnas's voice is the same as Captain Battleship from Bo-bobo. Or so I heard. o.O
    Post by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga