Jayel is magic? Since when? ( :
Oh no fun. When my family is home I always need a water gun hidden in my pants or shirt. You never know when the enemy will strike. ( : I have...
You're welcome. Well you deserve them, because all of the songs are great. Thanks!
Lol yeah ^^ My brother is pretty kickass. I love staying home, PJ's and slippers. Plus, no one yells when I play KH and the volume is blastin.
*Tries doing one of those sexy hair flips..........falls, in slow mo* Anyone see that? No? Good. 8D Master ball never fails! Well almost never....
[IMG] Not much. I left right after that message for my brother's football game. The other team got murdered, 24-0. And yourself? (Love your new avi)
Have ma babies?
There is evidence of abortion from as early as c. 1150, and I'm sure it's been around longer. It isn't a recent practice. People long ago used herbs with abortifacient properties or just straight up trauma to the abdomen. That's all I can come up with.
I Love Your Music. Mr. Manson's play count is at 14 or so. ^^
You are right. There is a chance we may survive, even if within minutes of the eruption tens of thousands would be dead. Around 74,000 years ago, a supervolcano called Toba erupted in Indonesia. Due to the volcanic winter, the human population was scraped down to a few thousand individuals. To answer Peace-and-War, one thousand cubic kilometres of lava would pour out of the volcano, enough to coat the whole of the USA with a layer 5 inches thick. MuffinMan was accurate about the entire Earth's atmosphere being enveloped in ashes. Who knows, maybe we're safe. Bob Christiansen, now retired, suspects the supervolcano may be safely bottled up. I think they should find a way to empty its contents little by little, if that's possible. ^^;
Aww That's really cool. If you have anything you've made online, I'd love to hear some. I'm giving up the fight and going to bed. Night
6 and 11 Nice. What are you using? I know what you mean. I should do that right now...
You have little bros...me too ( : What sort of music? I've been having a three way conversation over the phone for the past few hours. Not much...
Again, you think of everything. Yes. The cookie is a must have. I don't care if we have to whip out the light sabers. OH SNAP I'll try knock it...
I volunteer at my local hospital ( : Perhaps. I'll try ^^ Sweet dreams.