No we left earlier ^^ You should try. Know anyone who does?
Very cool. Will this be anytime soon?
Wow. That a story you'd be willing to tell me?
Similar when it comes to format or the KH theme? Damn. He's never even around; probably spending his cash.
I think it came out well. It doessss. For who?
I have two younger midgets. Weird. Shouldn't he be more chill? Ditto ;D Karate chop him. wow. I really have to stop writing in such a broken manner.
Why thank you :lolface: *poofs over to MSN*
My hopes are really high for this one ^^ If you don't have the first one, you simply must get it<3
Do it :O Are you serious????
Lol want to use your magic to give me some lemonade? KHV, ZOMGAnime, and my iPod. I'll go to MSN right now if you'd like.
Aw I'm the oldest but still the only girl. Yeah I want one too. Not sure what kind I'd get. They sound nosy =/
Hmm. I'm intrigued, but I'm not sure I'd have the time. Between school, sports, and lessons I can barely breath until 9 pm. My favorite is Mr....
Oh no sorry lol. I meant the profile on yours. Dude I wish I had time to work on a website.
Well then it is real :3 What are you up to?
Yeah. Woahh. That's great. I should start working on mine ^^
Lol don't they all... So you're on a laptop? I'm in a chair, and I hate having to watch my posture :<
Pretty good. I was just at a football game where the visitors lost 24-0 xD & my toe is broken
Great : ) Because I burn pancakes. FL Studio...I think my friend Andrew mentioned that once. Does it run on Windows?
Your new name is a win. How have you been? ^^
:O I'm looking forward to that I love that you can make music; I can make french toast.