*walkie talkie in hand* UltraV do you read? - insert staticy noise - Over.
And you ;D I started dating this guy in mid-October. & my schoolwork has had me swamped. How have you been? [IMG] Makes me laugh.
People have the right to their own opinions, but when they ignore facts is when it becomes dangerous to themselves. Stubbornness can become a barrier between reality and ignorance. I am a person that tends to make my opinions based on facts. I will gladly withdraw if their is evidence to prove otherwise. However, everyone is definitely entitled to their own beliefs. Depending on the argument, I would never have the time or patience to convince an ignorant person of the truth.
Hey! I apologize for not being around for almost a month. & thank you for the picture compliment<3 How are you? ^.^
Time Traveling Jedi Princess?! FFFFFFFFFFFF- Haha you would be wise not to. I have missed you. I like the bench you made ^^ It's spiffy. Am I...
Hello dear, where might I go to get some love from Jayel?
Hello Suscribe you?
Wow No wonder; your stuff is just so pretty. Lovely Complex? Nice : )
Yeah, I got very excited when I saw it T__T Worse part; I have to go already. Just dropped by. I figured 10 days away was long enough. later...
That's fine. I haven't been on in over a week. It has that effect on me as well ^^ When exactly did you begin drawing?
Dang et. It says 1-10 of 3001, well 3002 now ;_; Not on this old thing.
Ohh, I see it now. ^^; Cool. Did you make it?
I was your 3000 post! DUH Hi ^^ My friend's laptop doesn't have it <.<
Plums Plums Plums. How are you? ^^
#3000! *rides off into the distance*
...12 You are not alone. B| I have to go; just realized I have an essay and 102 pages to read.
For sure. Last year, my brother was in the bathroom, and I walked in with my Scream mask. He fell off the toilet. ;D Exactly. Except, I act like...
Nah, I volunteer there : ) That's so cool. How long have you been doing that?
Dani sounds awesome. I could definitely get along with her. Heavy Metal/Rock ftw. You two have history which is really important. Also, because you have gotten over the conflict that both of you shared in the past, that shows that you are able to work things out. That's good material for a relationship right there. Now, by the way you described her, it shows you like who she is as a person. That is outstanding. It also makes me think that she's worth pursuing. Feelings like this don't come about very often. ^ You're such a romantic : ) I never realized. As for mystery girl, just talk to her. It's as simple as asking what she's listening to. If you've held her gaze before, then I doubt she would just blow you off. Who knows; you could become close. Worst case scenario, neither girls are interested. You have nothing to lose. ----I think it is perfectly fine to be a little closed off from the world. It just isn't okay if you've built a wall. Let your guard down, Plums. People may surprise you.
Oh it was ^^ And I was already in a hospital so it saved me a trip. Whoa you're good with knives?