You're welcome. I'm great. Partying like it's 1999 over Thanksgiving break xD I finally got my leg out of my damn cast. You?
Oh I see ^^ Yeah I'm always too busy to be a regular on the site. Btw have I told you I like your new name?
Strange... I'm a female gamer, and I don't have this problem. Although, it may just be my age. The guys at my school love doing Warzone with me in Gears 2. I see a simple solution to this. Kick the guys' asses.
I went to see how these film creators would depict the end of the world that the Mayans had predicted. I honestly didn't pay attention to much else. I mean, it wasn't the acting and storyline that caught me during the trailer. The special effects were great, but some of the apocalyptic scenarios seemed...improbable. Oh well. I heard we're getting a television series spin off anyway.
Yeah I come for short intervals. Aw why's that :c
Thank you :lolface:
No. When I love someone, It's not their appearance that draws me in. As I begin to care about someone their whole face changes to me, regardless. You start to adore the way their nose wrinkles when they laugh hysterically, or the way their mouth moves when they say "I love you too". However, love at first sight is a common trope circulating in modern literature, music, and other forms of media. I feel sorry for anyone who does believe in it.
High five. You totally saved that man's life. Your method wasn't typical, but it's still noteworthy. I commend you for not being one of the stop and stare people. I'll admit when I read the title, I was waiting for a fat man choking in a restaurant type story.
[IMG] I choose you.
:lolface: xD Yeah the computer itself is not even on my list of top 30 priorities, because I get migraines easily ._. I'm kickass. Life's good....
Haha, strange but they are. It's okay I guess, but I like there to be equal footings, you know? *glances at half eaten bag of m&m minis* I buy...
Aw that's good ;D I've been getting way more into my photography and artwork, because my skateboard broke. <.<
I've been great; took a break from KHV you?
Aww thank you. That's comforting, actually. Not sure if I have to worry about this one. Honestly, he's pretty whipped =/ Okay good. I would send...
Well I just turned 16 rather recently so I'd be alive...dammit. However, I'm a little disappointed at the faith that everyone has in our youth. Yes most suck, but there is that specific few out there that if need be, would definitely rise to the occasion. That's my opinion. Things such as global trade and foreign affairs would become difficult, and come to mention it reproduction. Still, everyone would be young anyway so that could wait. Humans are an adaptable species. Just because you outgrew your immature years, doesn't make it necessary to dismiss all hope in latter generations. More to the point, I couldn't say what would become of mankind, I just don't think it would "go down the tubes".
Since October 21st. 8DD Oh I'm sorry, love. Not the swine, correct? *static noise* Over.
Oh borrow it anytime xD The what? Sounds intense. CAREFUL friend :O Those are for the vicious neanderthals that will try to claim my post....
I've started seeing someone, Danny <3 And school has been a nag. Yourself? xD *static noise* Over.
It's swell. His name is Danny. ^^ music and you are tight. Haha I haven't taken the time to get it now that you mention it, I'm not sure I want...
You're welcome. I never realized how good you were with ze hands. Yes, yes I have. I installed a Charizard bike seat. THANK GOODNESS. *starts...