*blushes and shouts from reese cup* Really mom says I look homely or plain or something like that....except on New Years when I wore that dress in New Orleans for a party with all the other bands. The second one was taken at the Super Dome when we were practicing before the Sugar Bowl.
Yay more fans!! :D :D *thinks it's weird how she has more guy friends online than in real life*
umm.......... err...... ee....*get nervous* uuuuhhhh.............. *runs away and hides in a reese cup*
It's true Mari!!:D It really is!!
RIKU!!! *steals sig and runs away to another realm*
This is going to very interesting!! :D
Yes it's almost done. now if Demyx and Zexion's hair would cooperate with me. :D
If you can see my earser markers then you'll see that I tried. :(
okay I was just wondering about he characters and things like that. :D
tanks oh here's tiger axel as well!!
Alot of people do but remember what happens to peoples face when it decomposes? Answer: It rots away and so does that person's identity. In ancent Egypt if a mummy's face mask was destroyed the desected couldn't enter the Afterlife. It's sort of the same now. If you want to find the person who killed the victom then you have to know what they looked like and if you know what they looked you could open a better investigation and find their killer. How would you do that? You might wonder. Well there are computer artist and bone experters who mark parts of the skull and use computer imaging to recreate what that person might have looked like. They've also done that with King Tut's face as well as other mummies faces, and hurricane Katrina victoms.
That depends. What's it about?
I still have no clue what this is, but it tis cute, no? :D
Ummm sort of. A forensic anthropologist is a person who studies bones (animal and human) and if you watch CSI or Law and Order forensics work for the police. Meaning a person who studies decayed or burned bodies or just the bones to find out what happened to that person. I really find it very interesting. The reason for bones you may ask. You see blood makes me quessy and all but when I see bones I do see a person the bones don't creep me out like blood and guts.
yeah the hair was a pain in the ***, but it payed off in the end. (just like Sora and Roxas's hair.)
Yeah they are but as a Riku fangirl and as just girl I was going for cuteness.
yeah you can never beat the original. It's like trying to make KH all over again with different voiceactors, different worlds and charactors.(like replacing squall, cloud, and aerith)
I not so sure....Maybe a graphic designer(for a video game or anime) or a florist. I'm also good a cooking pastries and sweets so maybe I could open my own sweet shop? I'm also good at singing and acting. Also there's an occupation that interests me but is way off from the others and it's a forensic anthropologist.(anybody know what that is?) But above all I love to write and draw I just don't know what to write about sometimes, or what to draw. I'd also like to be a voice actor of an anime or video game!! hehehe it's my wish.
tanks! :D But really I'm not all that cute! I'll take these off later!!
When I saw Sora in cat form I thought it was really cute and after I beat the game I thought 'What if Riku want into cat form!!' so I drew this version of Riku's cat form!!