Awesomeness!!! Can I be Larxene? :D
Love both cats and dogs but cats are my favorites!!....................................................... Meow =^_^=
I want to cosplay, I know where they have conventions, but unfortunatly I... 1)Don't know where/how to get a costume. 2)I don't now how to make one. (Like make an org. cloak) 3)Even if I got the fabric/ costume I'm not even sure if some one would help me make it(yes I can sew. I've just never done an outfit) or even take me. But I really like look at the cosplay pics and think up of costumes and characters to be. I really think it would be fun!! :D
oooooo Pretty..............I likes the colors and the effects!! It gives the picture more of a deep mysterious look.
I third!! Nice hair!! *still trying to get over the fact that people think rouge is pretty*
Alright this is my latest AMV in a while with the holidays and traveling and all, but I made this after all that chaos!! Anywho I hope you like it!! :D :D Yeah ummm.. CLICKY CLICKY!!!
heheehe okay!! :D
Thank you Burger King!! You're sweet!!(Okay that sounded wierd!!) Anywho I'm glad you all like it!! I'm now working on two new projects. But they're top secret till later!! :p :p
Hi every one!! sorry I haven't been here for awhile the holidays were chaos!! Anywho I made an AMV. Hope you like it!! What Hurts the Most SoraxKairi
yeah according to Mari the lolly pop guild suits him and it does!! :D
nya? Really? awesome! But you don't have to if you don't want to. But still you're sweet! :D Oh I put up the Kindom of Oz:Organization edition now go see!!:D
I was on youtube watching KH AMVs and was too scared to join.
*sqeals* Another Riku sig!!! *steals and runs away*
Seriously WTF was I thinking when I made this? I know some of the characters look bad but it was my first attemp at drawing some of them. So what the heck here they are. (My scanner wouldn't enhance the drawing like the rest so it's sort of light.)
I want to get an account there but i sort of can''s comlicated.
I have alot of choices but graphic designer for video games and anime ro a voice actor for one appel to me most. Yeah I'm a dreamer......
Will I~Rent Another sad one
I remember last year(8th grade) I got really depressed and nothing seem right. Nothing really seemed worth it anymore. I would get upset or mad easily. I felt like nothing and everything I did wasn't good enough. It took a while but I snapped out of it. Still i do feel like that sometimes but not for a long time. Anywho I think it's stupid how people who are "gothic" call themselves "depressed" or "emo". It only adds to the problem of people lableing others who wear dark clothes "emo". this makes people think that only "gothics" get depressed when they don't. Everybody does at some point.
Concrete Angel~Martina McBride This song makes me feel sad....:( *crys*
La Vie Boheme A/B~ Rent I love this song!!!:D :D