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  1. Rouge Angel92
    ooc: Sorry I've been gone!!
    Larxene was right next to Siax as he caught Demyx. "For once I'm going to agree with you Siax." She then turned to the captured Demyx "Alright you sorry punk ready for some real pain?" she then conjured up another thunder fist only this one was way bigger and powerful.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Rouge Angel92
    pretty sigs..........

    Text~ Flowers for you
    Username used~ Rouge Angel92
    Colors~ whatever you think looks right!

    Text~How could it come to this
    Username used~Rouge Angel92
    Colors~Dark but maybe a little flare.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  3. Rouge Angel92
    2516.....I've been thrown around like a doll almost all week....seriously I'm in my school's musical and I have to do a dance in which the lightest girls get thrown around and spun by the guys. Only the guys keep dropping us.....
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Rouge Angel92
    I don't have a sister......*cries*
    I have something much worse.........a little brother :(
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Rouge Angel92
    2513 ................................I need to punch something..........
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Rouge Angel92


    Sick here as well but it's nothing too bad. But my throat is hurting like crazy and I'm performing in my school's musical, so I really need my voice back so I can sing after we finish choriography!!
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rouge Angel92
    Larxene was offically pissed now. No one did this with out getting hurt. Badly. "DEMYX!!! Get back here!!" She then bagan to chase after Demyx throwing random thunder bolts at him.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Rouge Angel92
    After many nights I've finally finish my fanfic and I hope you all enjoy it!! :D
    Scattered Petals​

    By~ Chisa
    This is dedicated to Twilightsown, for inspiring me to write this.

    Summery: “If who I am is what I have and what I have is lost, then who am I?†~Anonymous
    Kairi’s been on the island for months now, and she’s beginning to doubt that Sora and Riku will ever come home and herself. ​


    Kairi mumbled in her sleep. Suddenly Kairi’s eyes snapped open. “Sora!†She cried as she shot straight up in her bed. She was panting and as she rubbed her face, to wake herself up, realized she was sweating.

    Kairi glanced around her room as if she were seeing it for the first time. Making sure everything was in its proper place. Especially her most prized possession, a picture of Sora, Riku, and herself altogether on the island. (Heaven forbid if it went missing and have mercy if anyone so much as thought about taking it.) With no Kingdom Hearts, no Ansem, no heartless, no seven princesses, no keyblades. Just the lazy days of summer filled with their laughter and plans to explore the unknown worlds on their never finished raft. But Sora was gone, Riku was gone, and she was left alone on the God forsaken island.

    As Kairi finished her room check she began to relax. Lately Kairi had been having dreams about Sora and Riku disappearing into the darkness and never coming back home. “But it’s not a dream.†Kairi thought “It’s more like a nightmare.†After a heavy sigh Kairi laid back down and stared out her window. “Oh, God how long am going to be alone? How much longer am I going to be with out my Sora?†she whispered. She then closed eyes and fell asleep with a small tear rolling down her cheek. Dreaming of the day Sora and Riku would come home.

    Weeks passed and the dreams came and went. Life went on and Kairi moved on trying to hide her loneliness with her smile, her personal trademark, the one she always greeted Sora and Riku with. She now took the long way home “Just to watch the sunset.†She told any one who asked her why. Her reason wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t the truth either. It just seemed like whenever Kairi saw the island at sunset she felt closer to Riku and Sora. Like if she went down to the beach they’d be waiting for her like always, but no matter how hard she wished they would be there they weren’t. They never were.

    As Kairi walked her long path one day at sunset, as usual, she looked out over the island thought about taking a trip over there. For old time’s sake. Kairi’s Thoughts were then cut short by a voice calling from behind. “Kairi?†She turned around to see Selphie coming toward her. “Oh, Selphie.†She said quickly conjuring up a meek smile. “How long has she been there?†Kairi thought.

    “Is something wrong Kairi?†Selphie asked once she reached Kairi’s side “Cause you’ve been looking really depressed lately.†Selphie was one of the few friends Kairi had, including Sora and Riku. The best part about Selphie though was that Kairi could talk to her about anything. Especially boys, so she wasn’t surprised that Selphie caught her unusual behavior. “I’m sorry.†Kairi replied “I guess I have been mopping about lately. I’m just-.â€

    “Worried about Sora and Riku?†Selphie interrupted. “Yes, ..I am.†Kairi then turned back to see the island. “Well I can’t really blame you Kairi. They’ve been gone for months now. I sure do miss them.†Selphie said sympathetically, but no matter how much Selphie tried to relate to Kairi she would never understand her sadness.

    Kairi sighed “Yeah, but they’ll be back. I know they will.†She then looked back on the last time she saw Sora. All she could see was drifting him further and further away from her. “Because Sora promised me he’d come back and I-“ Kairi paused and let a wave of relief wash over her. “I promised I’d wait for him, because I believe in him.â€

    “Yeah of course he will.†Selphie said switching back to her usual cheerful voice. “Well, I gotta go now. See you later Kairi!†Selphie then waved good-bye and ran off.

    For some reason Kairi felt unusually happy. “Maybe a trip to the island wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.†She thought. Then Kairi walked back home with Sora’s laughter ringing in her ears until the stars came out, and she fell into the deepest sleep she’d had in months.

    The next day came and Kairi set out in her boat. As the ocean mist sprayed passed her face she felt as if something was different was lingering in the air. Like something important was about to take place.

    After Kairi docked her boat she began to walk along the beach. Watching as the waves continued to do their rhythmic crashing upon the shore and the sun still glittering on the never ending blue ocean just as she remembered. “Are you here Sora?†she whispered. “Can you even hear me?â€

    What was she doing? She thought to herself. Sora was who knows how many worlds away, and yet she was talking to him as if he was just sleeping on the sand beside her. Kairi then felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she wiped them away before they could escape down her cheeks. “No, I’m not going to cry over something I have no control over.†She told herself.

    She then turned away from the aquamarine ocean and toward the tropical forest behind her. There she saw a path leading to a place that she’d nearly forgotten about, and before she knew it she was in side the secret place surrounded by her and Sora’s doodles on the walls. All of their games of tic-tac-toe, drawings of their childhood fantasies, and she even saw Sora’s sad attempt at drawing a duck. (Sora was never really much of an artist.)
    “I can’t believe I almost forgot about this place.†Kairi said as she moved toward the back of the cave. Then something caught her eye. Kairi knelt down and saw that it was a drawing that she had done of Sora and another drawing that Sora had done of her when they were little. The last time she came here she saw that Sora had added on to her picture. Making it look like he was giving her a paupu fruit before they left, and after she came back home alone she did the same thing to his drawing of her. Tears began to roll down Kairi’s cheeks. How could she have forgotten so much? How could she have for gotten Sora’s promise so easily? How…?

    “Kari?†the voice came from behind her and she was pretty sure it wasn’t Selphie. Kairi jumped to her feet and turned toward the speaker, and saw the most unbelievable sight. “Sora….?†She could see him standing there at the entrance of their secret place. He had gotten a little taller and so had she. His hair had gotten lighter while hers had gotten darker. There were also other changes about him, but her favorite feature stayed the same. His eyes. His beautiful blue eyes.

    “Kari. Are you okay? You’re crying.†Kairi didn’t reply. She just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights. She just couldn’t believe it was Sora. Her Sora.

    “Kairi…?†He then began to step forward. It was! It really was! “Sora!†she cried as she ran towards him with her arms wide open and tears running down her face. Even then she couldn’t believe that it was her Sora embraced in her arms. Something she’d only envisioned in her dreams. Kairi then looked up into Sora’s confused and worried eyes, and then buried her face back into his chest and began to cry even harder.

    “I…missed you… so much.†She sobbed “Whether you… would ever come home.†Whether you would… come back to me.†Besides the tears rolling down her cheeks Kairi felt Sora wrap his arms around her. Pulling her closer as if to say he understood and that he felt the same. So they stood there holding each other in silence.

    After Kairi stopped crying Sora broke their silence. “I missed you too Kairi. I’ll come back just as I promised. I just need a little more time.â€
    “Sora what are you…?†Kairi’s sentence trailed off as she watched Sora fade away in her arms. “Sora! No, Please don’t leave me alone again!†Her plea was useless. Sora had left her again.

    Then before the shook could wear off everything around Kairi began to fade away. The walls, the door, and even the ground underneath her faded into white. As Kairi stood there stupefied at what had just happened she heard a noise. It was a loud beeping sound. Then Kairi’s eyes snapped open and saw that her alarm clock was going off.

    After she stopped the alarm Kairi began her room check. Because for some reason she felt as if she had forgotten something. Something important. Then Kairi reached the photo. She then picked it up and realized that she hadn’t just forgotten something important but also someone important as well. Nothing was adding up in Kairi’s head. How could she forget something about someone when there where only two people in it? Herself and Riku back on the island. “Maybe I should just wait before I get a headache.†She thought trying to calm herself. Kairi gently sat the picture back down in its proper place, and left to begin her day.

    All of this happened as a girl with light blonde hair, blue eyes, and a simple white dress, named Namine, watched from her crystal ball. The room she was in was all white including the furniture and her drawings hung on the walls. She watched as the crystal faded as Kairi left room. Namine didn’t have to see any more to know what she must do.
    “I see now Sora.†She thought. “Don’t worry Kairi†she said as if Kairi could hear her through the crystal. “I’ll work as fast as I can.†Then Namine set to work threading and chaining back together the scattered fragile memories left in Sora’s heart.

    Thread by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 21, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Rouge Angel92
    yeah she does..........she reaminds me of Nyan :D
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Rouge Angel92
    I had a 15 minute nightmare.........and then I stayed awaked the rest of the well.. early morning cause it scared me so bad.
    Then there was another dream I had where one of my friends died (I don't know why :confused: ) and I started crying in my sleep. The next day she didn't show up at school and I got really scared. Then the next night I had another dream and in it another one of my friends died and so I go into school and I'm like thinking is everybody here!? No ones dead right?! then I see that my friend had just gotten sick over the weekend and that no one was dead. So I'm still like wtf was that about?
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Rouge Angel92
    I thoughts you looked good Misty!! :D
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Rouge Angel92
    Thankies Mish!!
    Nee-chan is gonna kill me if she finds out I put up that pic......oh well : rolleyes: Just no one tell her k? :D
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Rouge Angel92
    Wow thanks everybody!! Right now I'm working on Sora and Riku in some traditional outfits. (traditional samuri clothes) I already finished Kairi and Namine, who are in kimonos.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Rouge Angel92
    i donno... I just do..habits :o
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Rouge Angel92
    Larxene woke up with her cat curled up on her bed and her dog at staring at her as if he was waiting for her to get up. She then walked over to the window in hopes that maybe the fresh air would put her in a good mood. (which it never did) She then saw Demyx sleeping in the pool. "Oh god." she thought. "DEMYX!! What the heck are you doing!?" She yelled from her window, but she got no reply. "Wow the moron really is fast asleep.". She then went to take her shower and go on with her day. "Hmm.. maybe if we're lucky he'll drown, or...". A smirk came across her face. She then headed out to the pool not caring if she was still in her pajamas and yelled to Demyx. "Alright moron you have five second to get out or else." She then maked and electric fist and smirked.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Rouge Angel92
    If you think you're immature then you haven't seen me on a sugar high at school!! Yeah this afternoon I was going 'hahaha I'm ninja!! Arrrgg!!' in halls to random people.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Rouge Angel92
    alright here's a pic of me(right) and Nee-chan(left)
    -taken off so Nee-chan won't kill me-
    And just like the others I'm taking it off later!! ;)
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Rouge Angel92
    I do I'm just too lazy to change into my pjs. :D Horray laziness!!
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rouge Angel92
    They're guys of course they're gonna sit in front of their computers in their underwear!!!
    *looks down*
    ummm.... jeans, t-shirt with some cool looking flowers on it(don't say a word!!), and kitty slippers.
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Rouge Angel92
    hahahaha :D
    Nice pic Misty!! I aways thought of you as a diry bonde. oh well....
    Anywho just give me a sec and I'll put some resent pics of me up.
    *goes to look for camera*
    Post by: Rouge Angel92, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone