Aren't we all, Zexy. Aren't we all. *jumps* I should do one on Riku! *sets to work*
ooc: Sorry I keep dissappearing! Maron felt sorry for Zeke and burden he had to bear. As she listened to Celestia and Talanb she heard the word "crystal", and remembered her reason for leaving her home. The crystal had amazing powers both that could both create and destory. She remebered if she found a way to restore her village then she would be allowed back. The crystal could be the answer to her prayers, and if she helped these two maybe they'd help her in return. Maron didn't know but at least she might be of some use to them. "If it's not a bother," Maron said "may I join your quest? I'm not sure what use I'll be but I'm good with spells and such."
Awesome job Zexy. All the wardrobe and scene changes and all.
I'd have to say Misty and Cronoking cause they were the first people I talked to.
I have 15 rep. Which is pretty good since I disappear for days at a time and don't post so much. :D
Yeah I think it's just copyrighted things, so don't push the panic button yet!
Maron woke up late the next morning. She had been at the Inn for sometime now not knowing where else to go. She'd thought of going to Laren, Celestia's hometown, but what was she to do when she got there? She knew no one and she wasn't very familiar with elvish culture. So, she stayed at the Inn. As Maron looked out the window she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was Celestia and Talanb telling Zeke good-bye as he left. Confussed, Maron scrabbbled down the stairs and into the courtyard. "What's going on?! I thought Zeke was the enemy, and now you're waving good-bye to him like an old friend? What did I miss? "
yes cause they remind me of when I was a newbie, and that I've come a long way from where I was last summer. :D
I'm reading Cross Bones and Gravitation right now. Yesh!! Another Furaba fan!! :D
one of my friends has a pet rat. It's soo cute!!
yay I have joined Roxllen and Namine 4.0! ^.^ Now let's figure out a name! :D
I love you too rat to bad I'm married! :D *huggs rat anyway*
The poll says to stay and i want you to stay but it's up to you. As long as you're happy with your choice. k?
*reads thread* nani? er.........te neko
Come on John! It's really silly to leave just because you're not a mod anymore. (unless you have some other reasons)
yeah I saw that. what's going on here?
Maron stepped back beside Talanb. Something's very off here. she thought. Something isn't revealing itself to us.
Maron watched Celestia and Zeke from her window at the Inn. What are they talking about? she wondered. What's going on? Maron then swiftfully left her room towards the courtyard where the others were.
Aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! I love y'all too!!! *group hugs everybody*
Interesting. I'm in. Anybody want me?