OOC:Sorry I keep disappearing!! :o bic: Maron smiled and listened as the two talked. She didn't really know what to say on the topic.
ooc: Sorry I haven't been here guys! I was on vacation! So tell me if I do something wrong. bic: Axel groggily woke up to see his clock saying 8:20 a.m. "Oh, crud! I'm late!" He speedly got dressed and left his house. Riding his skateboard as fast as he could to the school.
hehe Thanks and your welcome! =^_^= *goes off to practice*
*is a Riku fan-girl* eep!XXD *runs away*
Ageed. Although you do make an interesting point about them turning into heartless/nobodies.
Nice boredom art.
Awesome job Raven!!! I love it!! *goes to change avy*
"I guess it's settled then," Maron said "We're all to go find this crystal."
"No problem" she wispered back. She looked at Talanb. Studing his face and posture and smiled a bit. "This shall be an interesting romance to follow."
OCC:yay!! KH Highschool is coming back to life!
"Give up everything?" Maron said, finishing up Talanb's sentence.
So you are the same eastercat from YouTube! I've seen a few of your Furaba AMVs! :D (And I love them!) Anywho here's my entry. http://video.kh-vids.net/video/wm/823f9105-92da-48ac-8da1-98e0000cbac1.htm
I agree. Although at first I thought it was Sora until his helmet opened. Man, the suspense is killing me!!I also agree that the other charater is mosty likely Zemnas. BTW where's Riku?
I really just thik of Riku Replica as either a clone or Riku being controlled by the darkness.
Yeah I have to agree with everybody who said that Riku only gave into the darkness and that he's hybrid, a mix, of light and dark(who isn't?). But I do wonder if Riku did have a nobody what he'd look like.
May I? Name:Rouge Angel92 Who you want to be- Axel Why-Cause he's a fun character I think I'll have a better time RPing as.
Maron giggled and gave a meep smile. "Don't worry it's okay. Your secret is safe with me."
A requests for Misty! :D Render: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-6560 Colors: A misty blue or whater you think would look best! :o Text: Where have you gone? Render:http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-3513 Colors: Whatever you think looks good Text: Watch me take flight.
Maron wasted no time replying. "Thank you Celestia. Anyways all I know about this crystal is that it has the power to create and destory. If the Vampires got hold of it we'll all be doomed, but if we can track it down in time we should be able to reverse whatever the Vampires have done."
Picture: One of Namine Colors: Light blue or purple Text: A lost dream... A lost memory Thank you! :D