I'm gonna make an AMV with it. Anybody want me to?
ooc: ja there's nothing wrong with rping as the opposite sex. bic: NAmine wandered through the halls and saw that she was lost again. "oh great just what I needed on my first day in the house!" She then saw a familier little mouse in the hall. As she got closer she saw that he was examining some stands of hair. "Ummm.. could you tell me were I am? I'm lost again. I was following a boy who I think might know something about the missing key."
alright give me a sec!! *looks for pic* alright here...... me in a dress and.... me in what i normally wear in the winter. -I told you I would-
I could post another pic of me but I donno if anybody want to see me. (again)
yeah same here. Now Ash's voice is still lame sounding. Man don't you miss those good days of trying to catch and training the strongest pokemon?
I like how it looks all fireworky!! It's super awesome!!!
I agree with Mish and Hahannuh. We all categorize pple naturally. I don't like it but still i do sometimes before I actually meet the person and get to know them. I think it's the fact that we judge pple too fast before we know them is when we get our labling/categorizing wrong.
OOC~Sorry I haven't posted!! bic~Namine watched the boy runaway after the announcement about he missing key. "He sure looked like he was in a hurry." she thought "I wonder if he knows anything?" Then Namine went off to follow the boy that had crashed into her.
Larxene saw Axel disappear before she could stop him. "Axel! You're more annoying now than when you were normal!!" she thought. Then Larxene held out her hand and concentrated on where Axel could have gone. Then a huge black prtal opened in front of her. Larxene hesitated at first but she wasn't about to let Axel get away with laughing at her, so she went in. when she came out she saw she was in Axel's room and he was right there on the bed playing with his precious fire. "Axel what is going on!?" she demanded "Tell me now!"
Awesomeness!! I really like it!!
Awesome welcome to khv!! *looks at location* OMG!! We're from the same state!! finally someone else from Georgia!! I don't feel so lonely any more! :D