"Sarcasm, haha I like it," he said. "I think we should start with something a bit smaller, like getting out of this rain." He unfastened his coak and gave in to her. "Put the hood up, it'll help.
A hand darted out and grabbed them, it pulled the princesses into a dark alley. "Quickly, follow me, I am a friend."
He put his hands on hers."Just.....a.....bad dream," he said gasping for air. He stood up and walked over to the barred window.
"Good....what now?" He looked up as he felt cold rain drops, soon it was raining steadily.
He jolted awake, in a cold sweat. His eyes looked wildly over the cell.
"Well......just....keep on your guard, and don't get hurt," he said.
"Its the right thing to do, Chivalry, ever heard of it? But anyway, are you ok?"
"No," he said dully. He went to sleep, but had a nightmare. They ran quickly, feet hitting the floor and making a metallic ring. The older boy was holding a terrified little boy's hand. "Don't worry, I won't let him kill you." "I'm scared," admitted the little boy as they ran down the hall. Suddenly out of nowhere an arrow flew out of a trap. It was headed straight for the little one. "JAKE!!" yelled the older boy. And without hesitation, he threw Jake down and jumped into its path. There was a thud and the older boy was pinned to the wall, an arrow in his heart. His eyes were gray, emotionless. "Dmitriy?" Jake asked tentively(sp?) Dmitriy hung lifeless. Suddenly his gray eyes fixed on Jake. "You made me die Its all your fault," he said in a monotone voice, putting emphasis on the last four words. "No...NOOOOOO!!!". He was yelling in his sleep. "Dmitriy don't go, its my fault, its my fault!!!!"
((lol you had me going for a sec, thought you had turned))
what the hell is he doing, I thought he was on our side He crouched, preparing to guard her.
Quickly, Kelvin jumped in front of her and stabbed the monster. He helped her up and then spun and killed the other one.
He growled and kicked one. He jumped, allowing the two others to knock themselves unconscious. Landing gracefully, he smirked.
He was actually enjoying himself when he thought of something. He put down the chocolate and grew cold. "I'm gonna go to bed." He got onto the bed and faced the wall.
"And me." //fillerz//
Name: Kale Age: 17 Gender: male Apperance: instead of the clothes he has on he wears a black tunic Vampire or Human: vampire Bio: learned in rp