Yeah, alot of my friends are older.
Yep, she moved last year, it made me sad. Oh really? Haha! What a coincidence. I know people online, and a few at the place where I go to...
Apearently so. I mean why take two more seconds to say a name? Wooow, are we full of idea's or what? XD Yeah, it mad me sad. That stinks to,...
Well between you guys, which I'm sure the must be a few of you whowould like to cosplay, and all my friends on Gaia Online, our group would be huge.
It must be! I mean would it be so hard to just say, this is so an so? Hey, theres an idea! Of what though? I knew one girl who was an anime...
Haha, if I got all my online friends together to go to a con, we'd make one heck of a group of cosplayers. XD
I just wanna know why when you wanna know something, they never say it. Its like listening to the radio, and wanting to know whos singing a song....
Well, I was thinking it was Air-ith, but they never said it out loud so I wasn't sure. I like to make sure names are right when I say them, cause...
It drove me nuts trying to figure out how to pronounce Aerith's name! I mean come on, out of two games and one movie, they don't say her name...
Yeah, thats mostly why I got it to. Me to, without knowing the beforehand story, it was very confusing! Plus that rp I mention awhile ago, they...
I'll have to finish up and send him mine and see which one of mine he says is best. I've never played FF either, but I've seen Advent Children....
Works for me. At the moment I think Tifa is the best one i have. The others either sound the same, or sound way off from what they should....
I don't know. I read it somewhere, but never learned what it meant. I figure its not very important. I meant to send mine last week, but I got...
Glad you like it, I just randomly thought that. Haha, me to. Us Night Owls, we don't know the meaning of the word bedtime. XD That works for me....
Idea's come first, progress comes later. Or something like that. o.O Lol, its alright. I'll send it to you later on tonight, ones everybody's...
Alright! Haha, I can tell. That would be great, because I can't remove the vocals without cutting off the music and all that to. Alright, I can do...
-jumps- Wow, you really think so? Hey, we could do that! I am? Thank you. ^^;;;; It would be fun!
Again, your welcome. ^.^ Yeah, they are very different. Kairi's cheerful and optimistic, and Larxene is kinda sadistic. They did. Hey, it'd be fun...
You welcome! Really? Thats cool, especially that you can do them both so well. It is kind of odd, but in a good way, cause it shows that you...
The only voice that I didn't like was Namine's, for most of the same reasons fadedphantom gave. Well, DiZ's voice bugged me to, after hearing his KH2 voice, it sounded horrible to me. Sora voice didn't bother me, I guess I've played Kh2 so often, his older voice just seems right to me. And if you look close, he does look slightly older. I couldn't really pick a favorite, because the rest were relly good. Though I must admit, I liked Vexen's VA.