Absolutely! Not much to say except what everybody else has said... ...>< But yea, I would. ^^
Not to mention it has some of what to do with the player's style. Running from Heartless because you don't want to deal with them or facing them because you hate them so much. Although... it's difficult to level up much on some Heartless... ...And then any stat. improving items. It all depends.
I AM NOT GETTING DUMPED IN A VOLCANO! xD "Chapter 0"... xD sounds catchy. I'm with Mookie, I CAN'T WAIT TO DIE!!! xD
Gruesome horrible deaths? Although I'm not surprised. xD And weren't you supposed to be working on the edited KHVR? Don't get their hopes up and then make them wait for how ever long it's going to take you to get KHVR 2 out! xD Ish torture. xD
Then what is, EXACTLY, what gem reduces the number of needed Orchalcum+ in half?
MAKE SORA DIE?!?!?! HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER!!! IT'S HIS STORY!! HE CAN'T DIE!! Besides Disney wouldn't do that.
Yea Axel was too easy. It wasn't even a thirty second fight. ...Suicide bosses sound awesome! But you would still gain experience from them... *thinking*
Enola looked out at the scene that played in front of her. "Goin ghost!" A boy shouted from on the ground. "Okay, weird," she mumbled to herself. Then she smirked. 'But I've seen weirder,' she thought, staring at a shadow that twitched, reflecting her boredom and impatience. She continued to survey the scene. She could always join in the fray. 'Eh, why not?' she thought and ran to join.
...He is too the best person in Kingdom Hearts! Next to Sora... DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM!!!
Well you could always beat the game again.
He has silver hair, gorgeous blue-green eyes, is currently 16 years old in the second game, 15 years old in the first, cocky, although less in the second game... Weilds a Keyblade called Way to Dawn and lives in Destiny Islands with Sora ((The main character and weilder of the Keyblade - brown hair, beautiful deep blue eyes, is 15 in the second game and extremely kind and caring and has a thing for Kairi ((Kairi - red hair in the first game, it's more brown in the second game and is 15 years old in the second game.)))) and Kairi.
Well not until MUCH later in the game. And like Zexion said. *points up*
In Wonderland you don't actually find Alice and from the tree house you go to the campsite. I'm pretty sure you can get there from sliding along that one smooth tree.
Forget it, I'm wasting my breath. ((*muttering curse words*))
But Beast had to be there because the story is about Sora and they can't just kill him off before it's over. So even if Beast hadn't been there, Square Enix would have figured something out.
He is but... in the end, it's his mistakes that made him stronger. Nobody's born strong, it's not a talent. He learned from his mistakes and grew from them, moved on, and in the end he's only stronger for it. Giving Sora only the wooden sword helped Sora too. It helped Sora realize that he doesn't need a fancy over sized key. He just needs his heart. and then later, In the end, in an ironic twisted way, Riku helped Sora by taking the Keyblade.
RIKUUUUUUU!!! *starry eyes* *hugs giant Riku plushie* Axel XD ((Yay evil clowns!!!)) Sora and Roxas tie... ((XD I think it's his eyes... *starry eyes*)) Roxas DOES look good in CG.
Vexen was Even, an apprentice of Ansem the Wise.
First of all they're right, especially In the Twilight. Riku feels rejected, replaced. What if, what if your friend said, "Oh well," after you disappeared again. Riku just doesn't understand that Sora wasn't worried about him because he looked up to him, he believed that Riku would be fine, no matter what. Yes, Riku's arrogant, yes, he can be an @$$, yes, it was stupid of him to turn to Darkness but after he felt that Sora replaced him his main focus was to save Kairi and he saw no other way than to turn to Darkness. If loving your friends enough to turn to Darkness means you're an idiot then fine. But that means there are a whole lot of idiots in the world.
Name: Enola Age: 14 Gender: Female Element: Darkness Hometown: Kuragari Side: Good. ((She's pretty close to evil though.)) Weapon: Darkness and a small but lethal dagger that she dips in poison to ensure the victims death. A pic below. *points*