thank you! my friend wanted me to draw it today. so anything new with you?
yeah. when i get bored there i just draw.
im about to up load a new picture i did in school.
on there im HappySmileGear i really don't have anything on there. i can't upload anything because i don't have fast internet, so yeah.
what do you mean?
yes i have one. you go to exchange, the you click sims then you type in kingdom hearts. im not sure what kingdom hearts stuff they have.
no, you have to have sims 2. but you can still download sims, you just need to go to they don't have alot of kingdom hearts sims.
you go to and go to the exchange then click sims, then type in kingdom hearts.
not really. im just downloading kh sims for sims 2.
im making new people.
yeah i love it! ^_^ so what are you up to?
playing sims 3.
i do love bunnies! X3 sorry it took so long to get back to you, my computer was acting wired.
three! my brother gave me one last night, and i got one for easter, and i got one today! :)
mine day is going good! i got another chocolate bunny today! X3
Hello! ^_^
awsome! ^_^ how is you today?
no, i have to go. i have to get my school bag ready, and go to bed. ttyt
i learned myself, i got bored in school one daw and started to draw.
im good! ^^