Nikki realized when she had gotten to class that not only were her friends in a seperate class, she knew no one in her own class.
"When I was in school I was tops at math."
Nikki looked at her adgenda. "Mr. Saix's class. Astrology. right." she ran off in the right direction.
The dwarf spat on the ground next toher, gave her a scowl, and went his way, taking the elf and crowd with him.
Nicole nodded. "And you are...?" she said to the boy.
Sike nodded laughing. "Ok, let's get started."
thanx! can we start?
"Is it that bad?" Sike shrugged. "I've seen, i might be able to handle it." he teased.
ill reserve riku for a guy. ♥
"How dare you call me Heathen!" Mika screamed, rage in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to kill the Elf and Dwarf, but stepped back at the order to stop fighting. "Too scared?" the dwarf prodded. "Dude, this is a PEACE CAMP. Don't prod her, she'll kill you." the elf said wisely.
Name: Raz Rase: Demon Gender: female Appearance: Weapon: Demonic staff Profession: Mind tricks Armor: clear. you cant even tell its on. Hobbies:running, jumping, pranks, and fun. she even keeps time for boys.
"Hit me." He said.
Mika was stil in her fighting potitin, teeth bared and wings spread. The dwarf's friend, a warrior elf (Which was as tall as Mika) had come. "Stop causing trouble, you demon!" The elf cried. Mika snarled. "" she said through clentched teeth. "Heathen!" Mika thrust her fist forward, and the fight had begun. Mika vs a Warrior elf and a Dwarf.
Sike smiled. "Whatever it takes." Noone's ever been this nice before...'re right! lol so, nix that, i'll be my own! Name: Nicole (Nikki) Gender:girl Age (14 or 15):14 Short Description: girls/31eb805d.gif She's really nice and she is slightly tomboyish.
*whacks you with a stick* Post! post! it WONT die! POOOSSTTT
She walked forward with a questioning look in her eyes. ooc: i will NOT let this die.
and the people playing slowly went insane....*twitch twitch*
but i LOVE Riku! ♥
"Hey! Stop it!" one dwarf yelled at her. "I didn't do anything!" Mika screamed back at him, clentching her teeth and knuckles. "Yes, you did!" He persisted. Mika reared back, getting ready to punch the small guy. "Say that to my face!" she barked at him.