ooc: nothing much...read your re-cap from a page or 2 before thats it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCHtdh1snzY&feature=channel yeah, of course. this might make you feel better lol
they made an anmie to it!??? i wanna see it!
eek sucky >.<
oooh... i like all my classes.. ^.^
which ones?
Nicole followed him. Why is he acting like that? Is he always like that?
Tessa laughed. "You are a talking dog thi--" Riku cut her off. "Take us to the king." "Thewy are fine, guys, but, uh, they'e in that saf hose of theirs." Goofy said tunring around and walking north.
shweetness its funny right? lol
ooc: help, recap?
Nicole looked at him. "No one important?"
Riku jumped. "Don't kick him!" Tessa poked him. "What are you?" "I'm Goofy!"
lol :) i'm kool like dat
Mika soon arrived. "Did some one fall in?" she asked as soon as she was there.
Nikki reclined in her seat in the back of class. Where are you? she texted to Kairi. ooc: thats a bunch! ♥
"I heard a splash...good hearing is sorta an angel/demon thing."She said. "Let's go." she sent off in the direction of the sound, towards the lake.
Sike went into the dressing area and changed. He walked out to show her. The extra small was even a little bit big, and he figured it was because the lack of food he'd had. "This'll do." he said.
your in! awesome, we need the clans and a few more peple to start.
"Yeah that sounds----" She heard a splash. "How fast can you run?" she said flapping her wings, kaing her lift in the air.