Username: godsgirl Name: Tessa Might Gender: female Age: 18 Appearance: girls/ninja/animegirl_ninja.jpg Weapon : Keyblade Keyblader\Nobody/Heartless/Beast/Something else: Keyblader---Cleastial Reaper Power: Telekenisis Spells: Fire; Stop; cure Bio: She had a hard life, but always seemed to barely get out of harms way. She always wanted to settle down somewhere, but knew it was not possible for her. Side: good Personality: Cheery, but not afraid to get her hand dirty. She will challenge you in an instant if she feels like it, or if you threaten her friends. She will make up other reasons to, too. Once you have her trust, you have it for life. Weakness: She gives away her love too easily, and can be manipulated easily if done right. Other: Crimson can divide by Zero!!!! ^^ O>O Preview Post: "!!" Tessa screamed mencaingly. The dark figure hunched over, and charged at her like a bull. "I said back!!" she bellowed. "Fire!" Bright flames engulfed her body, and the dark figure ran into it with a scream of pain.
Riku blinked twice. "N-nothing...just..mmm...tired..." Tessa eyed him and nodded. "Yeah that sounds good."
Raz beamed and nodded. "Sounds good. We have our Alliance!"
ooc: Riku: oh noes! Kairi! Sora: oh shut up. lol BIC:: Riku slumped. "Oh, stop it." Tessa scolded. "There must be SOMETHING we can do..."
Nicole giggled. "Slightly. It really is a"
Minaka shrugged. "Just never seen you around. Where'd you come from, like a home, or better yet, why are you here?"
"How is that even possible?" Riku said. Tessa whacked him on the head. "Shut up. What do we do now, Maria?"
Nicole soon arrived at the kitchen. "Well...this is..nice..."
ooc: yeah, i guess i did XD
Raz followed after him swiftly using her wings. "Don't you think we should form and alliance? Two is better than one!" she said once she was close enough for him to hear her.
Riku and Tessa kept with Maria. ((i
Minaka slipped out with Sola. "Hi, um excuse me.." she said to her. "I'm Minaka, or Minny....who are you?"
Raz nodded. "I'll accept. I need a map."
Nicole looked around. They had made it to the kitchen, and it was really creepy-looking.
I miss you alot and so does Kindom Hearts: A New Dawn
(ooc: Larxene and Demyx are going to town, and umm...where is every one esle...? idk...sorry)
ooc: ok woiw were is everybody? O.o
Sike sheepishly smiled and nodded his head.
Nicole nodded. "You don't have to...I'm just wondering.." She smiled at him.
Miranda whipped around and took out her gun. "Who are...oh!" She hilted it quickly. "I'm sorry, sir." She bowed low. "I didn't mean to do that you"