Yuffie scowled. "How dare you steal from me and my friends!" She scoffed.
Yuffie heard a voice and rolled her eyes at Cloud. She ran inside the hideout. "And just what do you think you are doing in here?" she said twirling a kunai on her forefinger.
Minaka nodded. "Ok..."
Sike nodded. "Can do."
Yuffie turned to Cloud. "Do you hear that?" she said, indicating a small buzzing sound coming from Leon's hideout. She took out two Kunai knives. "I think we should check it out." She said taking a step in its direction. "Maybe it's some heartless. I've been wanting some action lately."
"food!" Nicole had forgotten how hungry she really was. "Scott is being really quiet."
Tessa summoned her fire. It appeared in streams of fire around her. "I wont leave you, Maria!"
ooc: ok sorry, MAJOR recap?
too late to join? Username: godsgirl Name: Nikki Mae Right Race: Witch Gender: female Age: 16 Appearance: http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb197/homolungus/Anime_girl_punk-3.jpg Personality: Really sweet, slightly shy, but outgoing. History: She is kind of new to the whole 'witch' buisiness. She wants nothing but to be friends, but will challenge anyone just for the fun of it. Magic/Power: Druid Weapon:Kunai knives, a wooden stick she uses as a wand. Other: Spider-Fayt Preview Post: Nikki looked up at the azure sky. "Time goes by so slowly here." She muttered, shaking her head. She walked off towards the one tree in the desert she lived in. She sat under it, messing with the jacket that kept her neither warm or cold.
"Whenever you want me to."
Can I be Yuffie?
Riku rubbed his eyes. "I don't know...I just...all the sudden...." He collapsed. "Riku!!" Tessa yelled, catching him before he hit the gorund. "Riku! Riku, wake up! Riku!!"
Miranda stretched slightly. "I'm Miranda." She lowered her voice. "Are you human?"
Tessa arrived shortly and began slashing away at the heartless. She began to fight next to Grey. "Haven't seen you before." She said inbetween slashes. "I'm Tessa. And you are...?"
book 13!! ^^
ok thanks ^^
Sike smiled. "Consider me as your own little buddy to talk to in the offices. I am forever in your debt, Miss Jessie." He said bowing low and blushing slightly.
yay!! when do we start?
Sike beamed. "You've been so nice to me. I wonder how I could repay you."