Played By: godsgirl Appearance: Special Ability: Fire Whip Define Special Ability: She can summon a whip of fire to defned herself and others. Name: Nicole Age: 16 Side:Intertwined Destinies Biography: She had a hard life, but now find great joy in this new alligance. Weapon: Sword and whip Theme Song:
*raises hand and jumps up and down* Can I be Riku? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee????????????
Sike's eyes lit up. "Really, could you? I have second-to-none on money. I'm very poor, if you couldn't tell by my appearence." He wiped a brown smudge off his face with embarassment.
Minaka saw Sola come in. The teacher nodded and began to talk about something that was uninteresting to Minaka. She looked around the classroom to see if there were any cute boys or people she could talk to.
Mika flapped her wings, creating a gust which blew some of the other kids around. She snickered and folded them quickly, looking innocent.
Nicole yawned. "Sounds good." Nicole remebered something. "By the way, I'm Nicole, and you are...?"
Mika folded her wings and walked around. a ball of fire appeared in her hand and a michivious look crossed her face. "" she told herself and it dispersed.
Nicole looked at Scott. "Food...Oh...yeah..." her consionsness finally coming full back to her. "Does anyone know why there was a wall there?" she asked rubbing the back of her head.
this has no point... O.o
Sike smiled. "Just wondering. Must be fun, huh? I don't really know...seeings as I have no job...."
ooc: please put and ooc if you need to say something extra. it just helps me destinguish the RP and what not. Reika is in an ally with Rex (i think), Nicole (me) and Angel are talking and walking, you are inside a house, so...yeah...waiting for Crimson (Whom i dont have a nickname for so im going back to Arch btw) to post....*sigh*..........
ooc: suuuurreee lol goofy shall! ^.^ bic: Tessa stood. "I don't know, but it felt like i ran into a wall." "Wull, Hiya guys! Long time no see!"