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  1. Rik
    How have I never seen this? It even has Elaine Carroll in it!

    Anyway, I'm unwisely excited about this. It's sure to be a mess, but I love me some color coordinated heroes and evil moon witches! Even if the story is a mess and the characters are bland, there's still giant monsters battling robots and a lot of dumb nostalgia. So even the worst case scenario's not that bad. I'm a little scared about the lack of news though. It's supposed to be out in a year and a half and no director or cast has been announced.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Rik
    Alcohol Is Free is THE BEST
    Can't believe I never checked out their other songs. The first one you posted especially is bonkers! Thanks.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Music
  3. Rik
    My main takeaway from this is that I paid way too much for Final Fantasy IX and Outland.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  4. Rik
    Pretty on topic: At some point in my life I realized that Kingdom Hearts/Yoko Shimomura really influenced my taste in pop music. For a long while all I listened to was video game soundtracks, and when I got (back) into pop music after that, a lot of the songs I've enjoyed seem to have a lot in common with Kingdom Hearts music. I'm always drawn to cheerful, poppy music with strong melodies and synthy instruments.

    For example, the instrumental from Selena Gomez's Bang Bang Bang could easily be the background music for Space Paranoids. I'm always wondering if this is something I've always enjoyed regardless, or like because it reminds me of my favourite soundtrack.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Music
  5. Rik
    I don't enjoy 'good' singers. My beef with them is that I get so annoyed whenever a song is about proving how well someone can sing. Yes, Beyoncé, we get it, you can belt, now stop shouting at me and finish the damn song!

    I can't recommend Really Don't Care enough. It's so fun and has an explosive chorus, which is my favorite! I might be biased by my love for Cher Lloyd's bratty rap. Also: I just realized your comment is over a half year old, so, never mind.

    Let's be friends! Some of her party songs are exhausting, but Only Wanna Dance With You and Last Goodbye are two of my favourite songs ever.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Music
  6. Rik
    No replies? This forum is full of heathens!
    I for one am extremely excited for this. Watching the first one in the theater nearly made me cry (that scene where they dry out basically punched me right in the heart), and while I don't think this will ever live up to that, I have high hopes (if only for a mostly 2D animated movie getting a theatrical release). Not too thrilled about the 3D/CG stuff, but I guess that's inevitable these days.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Rik
    I was looking forward to putting a KH2.5 guide next to my 1.5 one (and then getting angry because, inevitably, the spines wouldn't match). Sales for the first one must have really been disappointing for them not to make another one. Shame.
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Rik


    I'm new here!

    I decided to join this forum after discovering (and listening to) the podcast a while ago.
    To spare my friends from Kingdom Hearts ramblings I thought it would be best to get those out in a place meant for them, and judging by the podcast, this seemed like a great place!

    I've been playing KH since 2004-ish, and have been a shameful addict since. Despite their best efforts to turn me off of the games (spreading them over approximately a dozen consoles, introducing time travel to an already way too messy plot, never giving Kairi ANYTHING to do, etc.) I still love this ridiculous series so much. My excitement and expectations for KH3 are through the roof.

    Other games I love are the standard set of "indie"/"artsy" games like Journey, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Beyond Good & Evil, and I've spent a lot of my teenage years on Tomb Raider forums.

    When I'm not playing video games I'm watching movies, listening to podcasts and bad pop music or drawing. I like bright colours, music made for people ten years younger than me and puns.

    I hope this place is as fun as it seems!
    Thread by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Rik
    I finally got around to making an account here after listening to the past 20 podcast episodes. I am also obsessed with CMYK! It's such a great combination of four colours that are already amazing by themselves, but together they're UNSTOPPABLE. I find myself using a variation of CMYK in at least half of the illustrations I make. I've also always hated the Red Power Ranger for messing up an otherwise flawless colour scheme.

    I had a similar resolution in 2012! I wanted to do more illustration/drawing work and decided to start a blog where I'd upload something every weekday, and did it for over a year. Congratulations on making your resolution work for you!

    I understand Misty's point about going back to your 'old ways'. It's pretty likely to happen, but I think if some part of the change you made sticks, it wasn't all for nothing. I scaled back my illustration updates to once every week, but it's helped me make a lot more work, taught me a good work ethic and gave me a lot of experience. So I'm pro-New Year's resolutions, I guess. Boooo @ that colleague who went back to soda though. I always enjoy walking past gyms and seeing the disparity of the amount of people between January and all other months.

    (For quite a while, my semi-regular look was a yellow shirt, black pants and shoes with cyan and magenta laces. I wasn't lying about my love for CMYK.)
    Post by: Rik, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects