oh, there is a WHOLE LOT of places to watch it. you could download it or watch it through veoh. those two seem the best to me
oh i read the rules before i sined up....or at least scanned them. i have 1 question. is spelling and punctuation an issue? cause i can't do ether if my life depened on it. i want to ask some peoplz should i upload some of my old kh vids? cause i was think in bout it but i wasn't sure. like i was thinking of reuploading this kh thingy i did to scooby doo stuff. any way I'm gonna go work on an AMV so...........
ello people!My name is Lakuri and I'm new to these fourms......but not fourms in general. i really like anime and drawing and making amvs andplayingvideo games, i have a PS2 and a Wii. I'm actually typing this like 4mins before i gotta go to school os i gotta make it quick. i really really really like kingdom hearts! i've beaten the second one i'm getting reallyfruserated with the first one which i jus stopped playing cause i'm not doing very good this morning. and the chainof memories gave i have but.......i kinda forgot where it is......but i have all the mangas that are out........ if anybody wants to see my AMVs go to what i put as my web site. I'm gonna start ether putting new KH ones up or uploading my old ones cause i got suspened a while ago and that made me sad cause i had 90 videoes uploaded and ya.....oopppss gotta go bai bai for now!!!!!!
OMG! where'd you hear that!? i still thought it was coming out in spring. sorry its kinda off the subject but is your Avatar D.N. angel?
hello, I'm new here and I was wonderin if anybody here likes Tsubasa Chronicle. Cause i really really like it............ya.