no no no no no!!! eyay!! no!!! Sora rox *strarts insanly twiching*
thats my parins too.
sora is way cooler because mr. pinapple says so!
neva!! sora rox!!!!!!! sora is coolier than roxas!!!
wow i can see through my thumb nail....OH sorry he he he. ya i fund yet another example....roxas and axel. now that iwouldn't mind if axel wasn't cool
ya you play as riku for a short time. how far are you in duh game?
yyyaayyyy some body that agrees wit me!!!!
naw i like it too
all the cat says is i do i do i do i do. causse the dude asks do you love me.
well i get issues with characters a lot so its normal for me. acctually my mom descovered while i was playing that i was growling (i do dat)) and that was EVERY time i saw roxas well....exept the part when there fighing close to the end ....i was to busy yelling roaxs got owned!!
but its retadred................
yyyaaaaaayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya i'm gonna continue once i get more audio
if so take a look at these those are my faves ^_^
i love what i did!!!! (these where made back in Jan.) HTML: HTML: please tell me what you think!
ok y does eveybody have to make videos that are like really really"weid" like everytime i go on youtube there is like a video with a love song but its like Sora and Riku (i just saw on tw sconds ago cause i'm on yt right now too) my question is Y DO PEOPLE DO THAT!? i just find it stupid but i notice it in a lot of stuff. i mean some of them are really funny if you take a stupid song (ex: the best friend song)
same comment as last time
hey what are the summons suposed to even do? cause every time i try it the charecter just runs aroud like hey look at me and does nothing and its weird.
HTML: hhmmm did i do ddat right? i hope so. anywayi made this yesterday but its kinda bad cause i forgot what all the possible clips are so i didn't use much......i'll reupload some of my old ones now. but please tell me what you think ^_~
yyyeeesss!! one that isn't stupid! like axel and demix demix is funny!!!)
thanx i'll try dat! (i know what cura is. i use it to much then when i need it i like don't have it and i start runnin rund and stuff cause i kno i'm gonna die)