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  1. Spitfire

    Are You?

    Thread by: Spitfire, May 10, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Spitfire


    read The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King.
    I would have to say it is the greatest series of books ever written. So anyone else read it and what did you think about it?
    Thread by: Spitfire, May 9, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Literature
  3. Spitfire
    Look at the n00b.
    Thread by: Spitfire, May 9, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spitfire
    So after watching the extended Riku and Roxas scene, I noticed that before Riku turns into Ansem, he takes off his blindfold. But when he goes back ot being Riku he has it on again, anyone else notice this, and why does that happen?
    Thread by: Spitfire, May 9, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Spitfire
    So anyone else like these guys, I personally think they are awesome, and they have some of the most bomb songs ever.
    Winter Month Novelty
    Napoleon solo
    For Now....We Toast
    Rolodex Propaganda

    What are your guys favorite songs? Or does anyone even like or know them?
    Thread by: Spitfire, May 8, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Spitfire
    So I don't know how this really affects the rest of the country but I live on the California-Mexico border, so it is all around me. I want to know your guys' opinion on the subject whether it affects you or not.

    Me personally, don't agree with the idea of illegal immigration, I have a family that came to america 100% legal and I am against just coming in, when I my family worked really hard to get in. But what I do support is the idea of making work permits much easier to get and I encourage more mexicans to obatian them legally. Currently they are much harder to get and immigrates are voiding the process and just coming in for work under the table and sending money back home. If work visas are made easier to get there would be less problems such as these, not to mention that they come and work for around 3 to 6 months then go back home for a month or two and return.
    Not to mention that the families that come up to SoCal. then do not try to learn, customs or language also upsets me.

    But what are your guys' opinions on it.
    Thread by: Spitfire, May 7, 2007, 54 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Spitfire
    I know it is not good and the red tinge is probably overwelming, but I am making a new one, but I want to know if its any good?


    As well as this one:

    Thread by: Spitfire, May 2, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Spitfire
    To be short, I started making sigs, not long ago and I want to get alot better.
    What are somethings I can do on this I know that it is not the best their is or that I can do. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank You.
    Thread by: Spitfire, Apr 27, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Spitfire
    As I was watching Deep Dive last night I paused at the part where Riku and Roxas pass each other and I found Roxas holding the kingdom key after he threw the oblivion to Riku. Any ideas? I'm really confused on how this happens.

    Thread by: Spitfire, Apr 13, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Spitfire
    So ever since I started playing KH2 and I saw that Roxas and Sora fight cutscene I always wondered. Why does Roxas only use the Oathkeeper and the Oblivion, I can't think of any theories on why and its starting to really bug me. Anyone have any theories on why?
    Thread by: Spitfire, Apr 11, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX