So new tag CnC please For the record it is a BMX racer, he is on a bike, I placed it kinda wierd
Here, give me some CnC please...or you will die.
I spent tonight watching Gundam Wing Endless Waltz....which I have not seen since like 8th grade. And I loved it, time to go buy the gundam wing box set.
Just a random tag. Give it some love or hate....CnC please
Since I know that it is about the time that many people may be graduating high school. I just thought I would like to give you kids some advice into what to do when you get to college, I myself have used many of these. And for those who get a summer job.
Absolutely nothing, first off being 19 sucks there is nothing great about it, along with all my friends went out with some one and no one answers a freaking phone. Today blows, I hate my birthday.
I got my computer back, my harddrive got fried, which sucks hard. I had like 15 gigs of music, and other assorted videos, and pictures, all gone. Plus all my programs. Ahhh....I cried.
Seriously Steven Chow, amazing mind in the idea of how this sport should be played. the first few min. are the best so bare with it please it is awesome
Sorry if this was posted but going through my youtube favs. I found this. Not to mention that I assume many of you have seen it just want to share it though. *warning: Some Language*
I am going to the beach today, its gonna be awesome. Woo.
How do you all feel about the Electoral College, I feel that it is unfair to many canidates. Since votes are counted by the number of represenatives plus two senators, as long as a canidate can gain control of the larger states they can win an election. I think to either do it by popular vote or to count a state as one. What are your guys thoughts on it.
20 min. of pure boredom.....CnC please!
You will die if you do.... CnC por favor.
beat this...I dare you.
I don't know if any of you know about Mega 64 but my friends brother and his friends produce a bunch of stuff....just wanted to share it. Great one to follow along with, I was cracking up in the store. Classic. Edit: No the paperboy was not in on it.
I got bored so I made this in like 10 min. CnC?
So I wanted to know if anyone else on here is colour blind or not. I am mostly to Red/Green and Blue/Purple. What about anyone else. And is it serious.
I knew it, the man is out to get us its a conspiracy. Here is your proof world here it is.
I know that I am behind on this, but should I get Dirge of Cerebus, I haven't decided whether to buy it or not. What is it like?
Hey I got bored ignoring my studying for finals. CnC please.