I think i'm like Yuffie.....loud and obnoxious!!!! I luv to annoy the crap outta ppl!!! XD
Maybe we will be able to fight Zexion. Maybe they make a playable battle just for his secret room or whatever it is...
sqwee im a duckie!!! I LURV DUCKIES!!!! I CANT WAIT TO GO LIVE AT THE GREAT DUCKIE PALACE OF LUV AND HAPPYNESS!!! Yeah ill make sure to post lots and not spam SPAM ISH EVIIIL!!!! XD and thx for the welcome!!!
YO!!!! I be a newbie here obviously!! XD AND *points at avatar* I AM A DEMYX FANGIRL!!! sqwee he ish my shmey bishie *cuddles demyx plushie* uh anzeewaysh I have always used this site for my viddys u can go to my profile if you like ---------> ULTIMATE PROFILE OF AN ULTIMATE VIDEO MAKER!!!!....not really uhhh i think thats it thanks for hearing me ramble!! :p
I think it would be cool if that were true XD