It sounds kinda fake, but I’m not sure. It would be cool, but I think it would be too much for Tetsuya Nomura. I mean to direct 4 games at once that's a little to much for one person. On the other hand I think 358/2 days is probably almost done seeing it's coming out this year... so yeah maybe he did already start directing a new game. Edit: When I think about it, it's probably a fake. Why use X(10) for the third game instead of III(3)? And why wasn't it anounced anywhere els?
Birth by sleep, because it has the most interesting Story and Characters and is new as in it’s a story of it’s own and not just an explanation arc like coded is. It sounds the most interesting of the three games. And like 358/2 days it’s keeping it’s female main character a mystery, i'm just dieing to now more about her. The bad thing is I have to save my money to buy a PSP, and that mean’s I can’t get myself a new iPod :cryinganime: 358/2 Days, sounds very interesting and I’m really exuded to find out about member 14, what’s her roll and who is she? And I really would like to know what they did and how the relationship between the members and so on. Coded, is also very interesting, only they choose a bad um… :sideways: “Consoleâ€. A cell Phone nice and good but I don’t think it’s so good for playing video games. Well I’d like to play it but I’ll probably watch it on the net… my cell phone isn't very good :( p.s sorry i wrote so much
Hm... I always thought Alice was 12 or so, but who knows? And talking about, an other Princess I heard Pocahontas will be in this game so maybe she'll be the "new" Princess.
sounds great can't wait for it. thanks Xaldin for the info.
thanks for the info. sounds very interesting.
sounds fun. i'll try my best but i dont think it'll come out good. oh well entering for the fun anyways.
I would like to see Tifa, Cloud, Leon, Yuffie and Aerith as kids. Ah... Actually, I would want to see every teen character as a kid.
This are Hilarious. I can’t wait for the next episode.
I can't wait for this game. I hope that it will give more info about the Keyblade and these knights.