not to much just surfing the net and I'm going to do my homework soon
hi i'm ok how about you?
Sorry i didn't write you last week had skiing-camp with my school and forgot to tell you... hope you can sort out the problem, and that we can write each other i'll PM you one of my E-mail addresses.
I really liked what you wrote here, but are you sure she was born out of Kairi's heart and Sora's Body and Soul? Wouldn't it make more since for her to be made out of Kairi's Soul, Heart & Sora's Soul and create her own body, like Sora did as he turn back from a heartless?
I think it's Naminé because she dose appears after he beat the Twilight Thorn to “save” him, also she was there before he went there so…
i wonder if they'll explaine more on this in Birth by Sleep i mean there are people that know more about the keyblade in it and the Princesses show up in it
it's possible but i always thought it to be more like Kairi notifying Sora and him summoning the keyblade. but it could just as well be her hart calling the keyblade after all Princesses of Hearts are conected to the keyblade
is it even posible for a heart from a Princess of Hearts to be tainted by darkness?
well as much as i understand so long Riku doesn’t have his blindfold on he's in Ansem's form, if he has them on he will revert back to looking like himself. And that in the fight with Roxas, he released too much darkness and then even with the blindfolds on, he couldn't change back to looking like himself. and like lilbueno said Mickey just didn't know yet, i think that scene is the first time they saw each other again since they split up.
i agree it ether goes to your heart and/or memories, or if not there i would say it goes to a Keyblade hammer-space.
I think it would be awesome if they added it, but the chances are slim, I mean they already have some functions other DS games don't have like Voice Acting, so I don't know how much more room there is on the DS card. And I don't think the language would be a problem if it were to use friend codes.
that's true he kept Aqua's armor secret from the others. Um... how would you explain that Xion is getting Sora's momorie, i think that's kinda wierd.
hm... seeing that Xemnas was a sientist it makes sense that he'd want to study a rare and spezal Nobody, but couln't he've done in with her in the org and let Vexen help?
i think the main antagonist will be the Heartless and partly Riku becouse how he seems to be an importend part in Xion's story.
yeah the location thing sounds quit logical. The others are a riddle like if Xemnas could why would he hide her or what made her change her mind?
yeah that sound logical but why was Xion found so much later then the other two she was crated be for them.
Wasn't Namine born when Sora stabbed himself? As much as we know Kairi's heart left a body twice so there are two chances of a Nobody being born or am I mistaking?
I don't know, I mean Sora turned into a Shadow and through out the game we defeat tones of Shadows and other heartless, so we could of already finished their heartless off, but it would be interesting if they were.
i think there will be, i mean they are some hints in KH2 and KH2FM+, also i think all the stories are some how realated to each other seeing they're comeing out be for KH3 and there for all probaly going to lead into it.
thanks, you're Avatar looks cool did you make it?